TiVo Central – Grey's Anatomy – Episode 3-10


This was an interesting episode. I don’t really know what to make of it. It’s was good, but nothing special. Actually, that’s not true. To see Meredith explode on everyone at the end was pretty good. I like that Meredith. I don’t know about the whole thing with her mother. That’s the one storyline that seems to come and go with no logic. It’s like they forget Meredith has a mother for a month and then suddenly come back to her and make her a focus of the show. Not very consistent.

I did like Burke “coaching” Dr. Hahn as he and George watched her perform the surgery on George’s dad. The passion is still there and Burke just needs to get past his mistake and take over for Webber. Although, I still think we’ll see a competition between him and Derek. Yes, they’re friends now, but this is the job they both wanted. We’ll see. I guess Derek is just happy that he got Meredith.

Speaking of that, we didn’t see Derek and Meredith together this episode. That’s a good thing, especially lately.

I have to admit, I enjoyed the twin adult patients that were joined together. It might have been a little corny to have a girl have to choose between the two brothers for different reasons, but it worked for me. They were entertaining patients.

Back to Meredith. The whole thing with her sister that she never knew she had and baby and all of that just blew right past me. It didn’t interest me at all. This is really a case of too much going on to notice the “minor” issues. That’s what happens when you have a “major” character in the double digits.

Great to see that Mark is still being an ass. Always good.

And I will say this for the last time. George should forget about Callie and move on. Vice-versa.

And for the first time I will say this. While Burke and Cristina as a couple isn’t horrible, I think Burke should move on as well. That’s going to be harder to do with the history they have, but really it’s easier due to recent events. We’ll see, but they shouldn’t get back together any time soon. Too much damage there for that right now.

Sir Linksalot: Television News

I'm not embarrassed to say that my favorite television show of all-time is The O.C. I live by the motto "you can't fight fate!" More importantly, I watch WAY too much television, but I do so for the benefit of everyone reading this now. So to my mom and my wife, I say thanks for reading! To everyone else that might stumble across this, remember TiVo should be your best friend!