Seven Deadly Days of The Real World: Denver – The Real World: Token Style

Features, Shows

Damn that Tyrie is an angry black man!…

And boy, that Davis sure is a sensitive gay guy…

Whoowee…Jenn, can you be, like, more of a cheerleader?!

Since its inception, The Real World has cast roommates that would possibly clash, as dictated by Jonathan Murray and Mary Ellis Bunim. Little did they know, they were feasting on a goldmine that would eventually create the very foundation of casting reality tv shows. There was a mantra that they must now live by “Bring on the stereotypes!” And you can see it in all of the shows that spawned off the concept of “videotaping people’s everyday lives”. The Apprentice had Omorosa the strong-willed (ok, bitchy) black woman. The Surreal Life had Tammy Faye Bakker, the crying one. Project Runway had Jeffery Sebelia, the alcoholic rebel. And Laguna Beach had, well, the entire cast of spoiled teenaged frat-boys and sorority-girls.

Let the catfights begin!

Round 1:

Jenn v. Colie

Jenn and Colie are in the house for 15 minutes and pronounce themselves BFF’s.

Which, by the way, is so sorority girl/Paris/Britney/Nicole/Lindsay/ Hillary of
them. Colie kisses Alex one night. Jenn sleeps with Alex the next night. So apparently, BFF sharing has gone beyond the wardrobe sharing and delved into boy sharing. I can’t even keep track anymore. Nicole is now dating Hillary Duff’s ex,
Paris and Nicole used to hate each other and are now back on, Britney doesn’t wear underwear and her soon to be ex made a name for himself in his wife-beaters and exposed boxers. Colie and Jenn need to find men outside the house…oh, wait…
Colie’s one step ahead of me. Jenn’s clearly not similar to the cheerleader that’s on Heroes. What would her super powers be? Sleeping around. Go Team!

Cat Fight…no make that Ultimate Fighting Championship.

Round 2:

In the left corner, weighing in at…very big, black, strong and angry, multiple personality, former gang member, Tyrie!

In the right corner, weighing in at the local Gold’s Gym on guys night, with a rainbow flag on his Mazda Miata, Davis!

If Tyrie’s his self proclaimed David Banner one minute and the Incredible Hulk the next minute, I don’t want to see him angry. I wouldn’t like him when he’s angry. I do have to say that Davis was a little like a fan at a basketball game when Ron
Artest all of a sudden comes into the stands at you to beat the living crap out of you. Not a fun game anymore, huh? Davis is more like Will Truman meets Otis (from The Andy Griffith Show). This conservative gay guy, who knows he’s a drunk and will lock himself in his jail cell when he’s done wrong. I’m just glad they kissed and made up and that Davis isn’t leaving the show. I mean, come on. This isn’t the show that votes people off the island. This is Fantasy Island and Temptation Island and Gilligan’s Island all rolled into one. Where they all have to survive together. Only without Tattoo. Or Gilligan.

Sir Linksalot: The Real World: Denver