Carlito, Miz, Edge, Kennedy Updates


Carlito is said to have ‘nuclear heat’ on him backstage following this interview. The initial reaction was to send him on a permanent vacation to Heat and let him fade away and even Carlito expected to be fired. They probably won’t let him go but they certainly scared him off of saying much in future interviews.

The Miz was also paranoid about being fired last week. Apparently, someone backstage convinced him to do a major rib on JBL, who already hates Miz and has a well-known reputation as a bully. No more details about this one yet.

Edge, along with several other people backstage, were wondering why he did a stretcher job on WrestleMania if he was just going to be walking about on TV the following night.

Ken Kennedy has a dog called Austin, named after Steve Austin. He was a big wrestling fan as a child, drifted away from it, then came back when Stone Cold was on top.

Credit: Wrestling Observer newsletter (click here for subscription information)