From Blabbermouth:
EVANESCENCE singer Amy Lee has issued the following statement regarding the departure of guitarist John LeCompt and drummer Rocky Gray:
“EVANESCENCE is alive and well. John and Rocky were in EVANESCENCE for four years and we shared some great times together playing live, but they were ready to move on and so we have parted ways. EVANESCENCE is something I have loved and nurtured since I was fourteen, and I will continue to protect and fight for it as I always have. Terry [Balsamo, guitar], Tim [McCord, bass] and I are very excited to play live with some amazing new musicians and we will rock harder than ever. Stay tuned for more news on that front. And don’t worry about the tour, guys. Nothing will be cancelled and we will see you soon!”
Well, damn. And here I was hoping once the majority of the original members were gone, the band could be considered officially dead- but no, thanks to Axl, there’s hope yet to carry on the name when only the singer remains.
Amy, dear. You’ve been plodding forward with this one band since you were 14? Give it up already. It’s great that you’re so determined, but it’s time to give it a rest. Branch out and experiment, and by that I mean do more than provide a well-intentioned but ill-fated harmony on a Korn song that never should’ve seen an acoustic guitar. Now would be an excellent time either to regroup and form a new band altogether, strike out on your own with some crappy dance-pop hit ala Gwen (I’m not saying it’s a GOOD idea, but it’ll make you bucks), or just call it quits altogether. My vote personally goes to the last choice. Until you prove that you can contribute something worthwhile to music- and I know you can with that voice; we just haven’t seen it yet- you need to sit and think about what you’ve done. The next press release I see from you had better announce the demise of Evanescence.