Captains Log: Big Brother 8 – Episode 16


We have our recap and Nick is gone! Daniele is all upset and no-one knows who cast the second vote to get rid of Kail, but Eric is suspected. The house is getting divided between the Late Night Crew and the rest of the house. Oh and by the way, Jen is a snotty bitch and I just can’t stand her.

Amazing Zach is still in the house too isn’t it? I swear there are times I totally forget about him and then see him in the background.

Up For Eviction
Eric and Kail


Everyone is in the main room and waiting to vote. Eric still has the Mohawk and I want to punch Kail in her bunny suit.

Flashback to the POV meeting from last week when Eric got put up. Kail is nervous and felt safer going up against Jen. I think we could see an extremely close vote this week as Dick starts lobbying for a fourth vote. Did Amber just swear on her child’s life? Ok!

Uh-oh Dick ratted out Eric to Amber about a story she shared with him. And it was the story Amber told Eric about her lying to her man and saying she was pregnant twice, but she never was. She is now nervous and she is bitching about Eric to Dustin. Well, I guess you don’t seem to care much about your little girl’s life do you? Dustin doesn’t think he’s a threat though.

Dick: “Eric is so full of shit!”

Amber: “I know Dick, I know!”

Really really REALLY hate Amber. And now she has a million braids on her head and it makes me hate her more. Dick has a deal that if he gets HOH, Dustin and Amber won’t go up. If Dustin gets HOH, he won’t put Dick or Daniele up. Dustin doesn’t want to do it though because he hates Dick and wants him gone.

Dustin: “Amber {long pause} you are such a psycho right now!” HA!

Amber calls Eric out oh, and here come the tears. She rips on him in front of everyone and says Nick should be here and be in the “Good Person’s Group.” What the hell?

Jameka talks about Amber’s outburst and Julie asks her if she would change giving up HOH for 5 weeks and Jameka says she would if she could. And questions from viewers this week, first for Dustin. “Why do you wear the same grey T-shirt day in and day out?” “It’s all about consistency and since day one he has been wearing the same grey t-shirts.”

A bit of background on Evil Dick and a lot of band members from his circle in Hollywood including some from Alice Cooper and Guns N’ Roses give their thoughts on him. They all think he is very loyal and tells it like it is. Some chicks love Dick. Yep. So now Daniele opens a little about her relationship with her dad and how it is growing.

Kail’s background again and how she didn’t want to tell anyone she has four businesses. Her husband thinks she is playing it very smart and that they won’t find out who she really is until after the game is over. Hmmm, is lying really very Christian-like Kail? Her husband doesn’t like Dick yelling at his wife, but he knows it is game strategy. Dick could so kick her husband’s ass.

It is time to plead their cases and Kail is kind of out of words with this being her third week in a row on the block. Eric wants to keep building the friendship bonds and repair those that are damaged. He honestly seems rather choked up. Voting time. Dick and Jen vote to evict Eric, and Jessica’s boobs vote to evict Kail. Jen really didn’t seem too comfortable voting for Eric. Zach takes out Eric. Jameka stays true to Eric as does Dustin, WOW! Amber stays true to her word and the next one evicted (finally) from the house by a vote of 4 3 is:


Hugs all around. Dustin tells Dick they had a deal and he voted to get Eric out. Confusion abounds. She thinks Dick’s personality isn’t strategy but is who he really is. Some goodbye messages from almost the entire household and most of them are kind. Time to get ready for the HOH competition.

Everyone is in the backyard and this week they are playing “Let’s Make A Duel.” Facing off one-on-one with questions about things that their evicted housemates have said in the Diary Room. Amber always looks high if she isn’t crying or bitching. Jameka gave up her HOH chances and Daniele selects Dustin and Eric to start.

Dustin is gone first and then Zach. Eric sits down and then Dick. Amber sits while Jen and Jessica remain. This will give one side the upper hand and it is:


Eric, Dustin, and Jameka go INSANE in celebrating with Jessica. And we get a “BOOYAH” from Jessica. The next assignment for America’s Player is of course to get someone in particular nominated. I don’t think that will really be a problem with Jessica as HOH. Dick goes at it with Jameka and Dustin and Eric is starting to get a bit cocky as we fade.

That’s it for this week; make sure to be back with us on Sunday as Josh Clinton covers the next episode which will let us know just whose days may be numbered. And Tuesdays are covered by Richard Mauntah for the POV competition and that always gets interesting. But stay with Reality Dish everyday for coverage of Showtime After Dark and the 24/7 online coverage. Til next Thursday, I am your Captain and thank you for flying Reality Dish Airlines!

Sir Linksalot: Big Brother 8