Richly Deserved: Big Brother 8 Episode 24


Day 55 in the Big Brother house and Zach is stunned that Jessica lied to her. He wants revenge. Amber believes she is safe and God is looking out for her. Dick is loving how the alliance is rolling. Danielle says you still can’t trust anybody.

Amber prays again. Amber cries again.

Danielle tried to convince Zach that he’s not the one going home. He is worried that he has to win the POV. Meanwhile Jessica feels sorry for Amber while Jameka said it sucks for Amber to be up. Jessica also understands Zach is going to hate her.

Jameka tells Amber that she doesn’t know of any backdoor plan. Amber is convinced that she is just a pawn, again.

More Eric and Jessica under the covers in the backyard. They talk marriage. Then they cuddle closer.

Jameka prays alone in the HOH room to thank God for having her stay another week. Jessica walks in and basically, they hug. Jessica also says she’s a churchgoer as well. Cool. Jameka was happy to hear this.

Zach has his turn with Jess. He understands that she couldn’t put Dick and Danielle up. He’s clearly trying to talk her into backdooring one of them. Jessica says in the diary room that she doesn’t trust them.

Time to show the house what happened on Power of 10. We see some behind the scenes stuff. Zach is jealous. They don’t believe Drew Carey when he said he was the new host of The Price is Right.

Dick was surprised Amber beat Danielle. Dick congratulated Amber on her effort. Nick was waiting for Danielle to support her by the way.

More fun with Eric and Jessica. And the first kiss. Nothing more needs to be said.

Time to pick players for the veto. Jessica picks Danielle. Zach picks houseguests choice and picks Eric. Amber chooses Jameka. By process of elimination, Dick hosts.

Zach talks to Eric about the possibility of backdooring Dick or Danielle. Eric stays silent and listens. Eric really didn’t give him a 100% assurance.

Time for the veto competition. The backyard is a jungle. Webs, swamp, and a cat looking for rats. The rats have a riddle that matches the answer of a question asked by the cat. The last person to get the answer to the cat is eliminated.

By process of elimination, Jessica was eliminated first (the first answer was Dustin). The second was “slop” and Jameka was eliminated. The third to be eliminated was Danielle (answer was Nick). The fourth answer was Jen. Eric just beat Zach to the stump. Zach is eliminated. Final round answer between Amber and Eric was “veto”. Eric makes it to the stump first and wins the veto.


Eric and Zach hugged after the competition which really bothered Danielle. Danielle was talking to Dick about it. Dick is confident but Danielle wasn’t so sure. They vow to take Jessica out.

Time for Eric to get his instructions from the nerds. He must kiss the houseguest America chose. Jessica. Hey, he did it once, why not again? So with a swish of mouthwash, he goes to complete the task … “barely”, with a quick kiss.

Amber talks to Eric about the veto. She cries and worries. She doesn’t know where she stands and says her word is golden. She again talks about backdooring Dick and Danielle. He wants to honor Jessica’s decision as HOH. Jessica then talks to Eric. There’s more serious talk about backdooring them and is worried that they could go up next week.

Time for Eric’s decision (the first one he has to make on his own). Amber says she’ll respect his decision. Zach feels the same way. Eric says all of them are threats and chooses not to use the veto.

Amber says it was a selfish move. Zach was dumbfounded and says the odds are now stacked against him. Eric says because America wanted Amber evicted, he had to keep the nominations the same.

Don’t forget to vote for America’s Player. See you next week.