Richly Deserved: Big Brother 8 Finale: Dick Donato Wins


The final day in the house. And a cheering crowd greets Julie Chen. We get the recap starting when Dick and Danielle, Joe and Dustin, and Carol and Jessica found out they were in the house together. They mixed Dick and Danielle’s relationship with the evictions of the summer until there were just the two left.

It was time to check in on the jury house and let the debate begin. Zach joined them in the backyard much to everyone’s disappointment. Now Dustin was upset they had to pick between Dick and Danielle. Eric was told by the America’s Player vote to campaign and vote for Dick. No one was buying it. But Eric was trying to sell him really hard and Jen said they were stupid for not voting one of them out week two. Amber accused Jen of calling a truce with Dick. Eric made sure the discussion didn’t become a big hate fest. Jen was still not buying it. Zach made the point that Danielle tied Janelle for the most POV’s in a season. Yet still, Eric pushed hard and Amber was starting to buy into it, as was Jessica. Jameka called Danielle a “pimp” and Dick a “ho”. Interesting!

The jury turned their attention to questioning Dick and Danielle. Dustin asked Dick how he felt sitting next to Danielle. Dick said he didn’t see anyone else in the final two with him.

Amber called Danielle a disgusting person considering what she did to her boyfriend on national TV by getting into the budding relationship with Nick.

Jessica said both of them lied to her.

Eric asked why someone else would have deserved to be in the final two.

Dick answered by basically trashing everyone but Eric and Zach.

Zach asked what Danielle learned from everyone on the jury. She answered she took Eric’s sense of humor, Amber’s heart, and Jessica’s sense of fun. Dick said Dustin was overconfident. Jen’s real self was hard to find. Jameka had a big heart. And Zach gave them a run for their money.
Jameka asked Danielle what she credited herself for. Danielle said trying to get rid of Eric and backdooring Jen were her doing.

Jen doesn’t respect either of them but she asks them about their
relationship. Dick feels blindsided by such a question. But his answer tugged at their heartstrings.

Danielle said she thought they made a lot out of this and told them to vote with their hearts. Dick said he had to play hard from the beginning and felt him making the alliance with Eric and Jessica changed the game. He said he did a lot of dirty work for himself and Danielle. After the jury video hookup ended, Danielle told Dick what he said was crappy. Dick was pissed at this. Guess the relationship is not completely mended, eh?

The jurors come out to a round of applause. Julie congratulates Dick and Danielle. Dick feels great. Danielle feels amazing and says it was great spending time with her dad.

Time to vote. Eric congratulates them and says it was a clear-cut choice (for America’s choice). Jameka congratulates them and says her vote goes to someone whos game she respects. Dustin casts his vote based on strategic action. Jen would rather vote for someone besides one of them. Zach says he got to know them competitively and personally (uh, o.k.). Amber says she had her ups and downs with both of them. Jessica says she’s voting for the person she enjoyed more in the house and “may the best Donato win.”

Julie asks Dick’s mom and son what it was like to see their relationship improve. She is very excited about it. Vincent says what you saw with Dick is the real him. The first five evictees (Carol, Joe, Mike, Nick, Kail) join the fun. Nick says hi to Danielle. Carol was proud of the way Jessica handled herself. Joe says it was great seeing Dustin fall apart but congratulated him nonetheless. Mike was rooting for Zach to make the final two. Kail wasn’t surprised to see Dick make it to the final two and commended him for being strong.

Time to reveal “America’s Player”. A lot of dumbfounded looks as it is revealed. Eric explained the whole thing. Jessica was stunned when he targeted her. Dustin loved hearing how his eviction played out. The “mimic Dick” scene was played out as was the “traumatic story” to Kail. Jessica was stunned seeing the “silent treatment” thing. Joe loved the “sleepwalk”.

Jessica’s thinking “oh my god”. He whispered to her while the video was playing that they’ll “talk later”. Dick says it was very surprised and was ready to go when Dustin was voted out. Danielle is shocked but thought it was hilarious. Dustin says Eric could sell anything but was happy to spend time in “paradise”. Eric tells Dustin and Amber that he wanted to keep them in the house and also assures Jessica that everything that went on between them was really him.

And finally, who’s the winning Donato?

Eric: Dick
Jameka: Danielle
Dustin: Dick
Jen: Danielle
Zach: Dick
Amber: Dick. That’s four! Score one for the forty-somethings!

The Donatos leave the house with a hug. Danielle hugs Nick while Dick gets his first congrats from his son Vincent.

Time for Julie to gather the troops for one final segment. Jessica also voted for Dick but the final score was 5-2. Dick is looking forward to a holiday. Danielle is ecstatic that “They won”.

Julie, and everyone who watched a show, followed the live feeds, chatted about the show in a message forum, voted in the “America’s Player”, we all thank the houseguests for a fun summer.

We’ll do this all again next year. Please, CBS. Let’s have a BB9!