Ghost Hunters – Episode 4-14 Review

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It is time for brand new episodes in the middle of the fourth season of the Sci-Fi gem series, Ghost Hunters. After years of trying to get a perfect team together, Roto-Rooter plumbers by day, Jason and Grant, have finally gotten all the pieces in place. Along with Tango, Steve, and Kris; the guys set out to investigate the most haunted places in the country and determine if they are legit or just strange occurrences of daily life. This week’s episode takes them to Iron Island.

The Briefing

Tonight the team travels to the Iron Island Museum in Buffalo, New York to investigate claims of some haunted things going on. This trip includes the regular team of Jay, Grant, Steve, Tango, and Kris Williams along with Kristyn Gartland. They’re all packed up and head to Buffalo to the museum that used to be an Episcopal church and then was a funeral parlor for some time.

The team meets up with the manager Linda who runs the place for her mom. She takes them on a tour through the museum filling them in on all the spooky happenings that have been experienced. Shadowy figures, the presence of children, an angry old man, and voices are just a few of the things that those who work there have gone through. She even lets the team know that in the room that used to be the viewing room for wakes, her younger brother Jimmy was laid there after his death at the age of seven. Very creepy that she works there now.

The Investigation

Time to setup camp and the main cameras are hooked up to always capture the main viewing room, the entranceway to the common room, the old chapel, and the viewing room itself.

Kris and Kristyn start out at first doing EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) in the kitchen. They venture out into the hallway and see Jimmy’s old toy box full of his things and stuff from his funeral including a poem about his life. Kristyn takes it kind of hard as she thinks about her own child and she starts talking about it…and holy hell! The front door, that was dead-bolted, just opened and closed. Kris and Kristyn go check it out and it isn’t locked at all and no-one is around.

Jay and Grant come in and set a thermal camera watching the door.

Tango and Steve do some EVP and EMF (Electro Magnetic Field) work in the viewing room and oddly the highest ratings come from the floor level. Something is definitely up so Steve goes downstairs into the basement and discovers copper wire running along the floor. Dammitt!

Back to Jay and Grant in the viewing room now doing work with the K2 which is a device that has green lights flicker if an entity crosses past it. It starts going ballistic and actually goes solid green which I’ve never seen happen before. What the hell? All of a sudden a bang from the attic.

Jay and Grant check out the ladder to the attic and see that the entrance is so damn small that someone would have to butter themselves to get in or out of it. Grant just climbs up and sticks his head in…bump bump bump is all they hear from up there. Only problem is that there is no solid floor up there and just the rafters. Grant sees something blocking the light from the window and the footsteps are getting closer and faster…oh God…Grant ducks down to avoid being hit in the face by WHATEVER…and the noise stops.

Jay gets his head up there and hears a woman sigh something but Grant actually heard her say something he couldn’t make out. They need another opinion so they send Tango up there and he actually goes all the way in and talks to the spirit and gets nothing.

“Here comes Jersey!” Tango says and he starts provoking the spirit by cursing it out. This is some funny stuff, but it’s been a long night and it’s time to wrap it up.

The Analysis

Tango and Steve start going through the footage and tapes and once again have the hilarious argument over Tango’s pink/red headphones. These two have really become good friends and are great for the show. They find a couple good things and are ready to show the team.

The Findings

First thing Steve found was a mist forming on camera in the chapel and then dissipating, but they debunk that as just something on the lens. A couple of EVPs are recorded very well and believe it or not, they actually got the door opening and closing on camera. Awesome!

The Reveal

Jay and Grant are ready to sit down with Linda and let her know what they found. In a move I’ve never seen before; footage is actually shown from the ride back to the site and discussion between Jay and Grant is going on about how it may freak her out. Grant is also happy they didn’t find anything relating directly to her little brother because it might seriously upset her. But what about the green lights on the K2 when they asked if it was Jimmy in the room? They must really think it’s some bad stuff if they’re showing this.

They sit down with Linda and start going over what they’ve found. First they show her the front door opening and closing which she reiterates that she locked herself. Then the first EVP they have is when Grant was in the attic and they hear a voice quickly say “What do you want?” Kinda creepy.

Secondly they play the EVP of a women’s voice that the Ghost Hunters think says “We just want the…” But as soon as Linda hears it she recognizes the voice as a Polish voice she has heard before. Strange.

Finally they reveal what is quite possibly the creepiest and clearest EVP I’ve ever heard them capture. When Tango was in the attic trying to provoke the spirit by cursing it out, a male voice clearly states, “Leave me alone!” Linda is officially freaked out and I don’t blame here because so am I as the hairs stand up on my arm.

Jay and Grant both say they feel the place is haunted, but since Linda has been there eight years and nothing has happened to her; then she has nothing to worry about. Their feelings are that they intruded on the spirits’ space at night when no-one is usually there and they just wanted them to leave. Makes a lot of sense, but I’m not so sure I still wouldn’t be freaked the hell out.

That’s it as the Ghost Hunters have another successful case in this mid-season premiere and it was a good one. I really keep checking over my shoulder as I write this because I’m a little on edge right now. Next week they travel to an old house from the eighteen hundreds where a beheaded adulteress is said to still haunt the grounds. I can’t wait, but that’s all from your Captain this week so maybe you should sleep with a nightlight on this evening. I am.

Danny Cox is an editor and writer for Popcorn Junkies, The DVD Lounge, and TailGate Crashers. He is also a contributer to Die Hard Game Fan, Moodspins, Prime Time Pulse, and Pulse Wrestling.

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