Exclusive First Look At UFC Undisputed 2009


Todd Martin has a fantastic look at UFC Undisputed 2009, the upcoming title from THQ that’s slated for release in May. There’s a lot of stuff that hasn’t been revealed anywhere else, so it’s definitely worth a read.

From beginning to end, the video game delivers an authentic UFC experience. After you select the fighters you want to use, a tale of the tape comes up, just like at a UFC event. Bruce Buffer delivers his inimitable introductions and each fighter receives a mixture of boos and cheers from the partisans in the crowd.

Well-known trainers and managers like Greg Jackson, Marc Laimon and Ed Soares lean over the cage to give their fighters advice, while holding up sponsorship banners or national flags. Licensed referees like Herb Dean and Steve Mazzagatti oversee the action, while “professional hot chicks” like Arianny Celeste hold up the cards.