10 Thoughts on TNA iMPACT! – 04.02.09

Reviews, Shows, TV Shows

  1. I love it when TNA does things like having Samoa Joe win a match in order to become the captain of a team, and then announcing that Joe doesn’t want to be the captain. If he didn’t want to be the captain, why would he have entered last week’s gauntlet match anyway?
  2. And now here comes marble mouth Scott Steiner, who pulls out the “we’re friends because we broke into this business together” crap. I hate that stuff.
  3. Every time Booker T opens his mouth and sound comes out I want to scratch the surface of my eyelids with a rusty nail. His recent outcry due to the “pettiness” of the WWE is ridiculous. He schedules an event in Houston, the same weekend as the biggest show in the industry, and acts surprised when the WWE reacts. Screw you Booker, you live in Houston, you could have done your little event any time you wanted. Just retire already, you were always overrated and now you’re just embarrassing yourself.
  4. Speaking of being an embarrassment, Mick Foley. I’m sorry Mick, but I just don’t buy that you still have the fire to be a wrestler anymore. You’re obviously doing it for a paycheck.
  5. I remember when Abyss was someone to be feared, not somebody who doesn’t fight back when Stevie Richards slaps him around.
  6. I love Team 3D’s tiny little belts. I also love that Mike Tenay asked if there would ever be a more hometown advantage like Team 3D will have at Lockdown in Philly, and my answer would have to be that yes, anyone ever wrestling in their hometown would be more of a hometown advantage since neither of the Dudleys are actually from Philly. I know what he means, but just shut up Mike Tenay. I actually think TNA would be the only company that would be better without announcers.
  7. Sting needs to change his look. Remember how exciting it was when he first started doing the Crow gimmick back in 1996? But that’s the thing – that was almost 13 years ago. If Sting were to reinvent himself once again he could bring something fresh and new to TNA, but apparently the company isn’t interested in either of those things.
  8. I guess they’re done doing the Governor thing with Daffney, but did they really need to involve Stevie Richards in this too? And why am I supposed to be interested in Daffney?
  9. That’s some security force TNA has. A woman with a pair of scissors is apparently too much for them to handle.
  10. I’m not against the idea of the finish to the AJ Styles versus Scott Steiner match, but boy did they look like idiots trying to pull that off.