1. What a way to open up the three-hour special! I don’t know if it’s possible for Mysterio and Jericho to have a bad match with each other. Jericho is staying true to his “2008 Wrestler of the Year” title never getting suckered into the 619. The finish was awesome, and the Codebreaker was violent as hell.
2. SmackDown!, to me, is the superior brand in World Wrestling Entertainment. It may be because I’m a “smart” fan, but their wrestling and in-ring-talent really is far above RAW’s. Like I said in another edition of 10 Thoughts, whenever SmackDown! talent is on RAW, they have to wrestle their best to bring some viewers over to their show. Jericho, Punk, Mysterio, Edge and Hardy all did a damn good job.
3. Why in the blue hell did they give Dreamer the belt? He was over as hell before he got the belt! There are a lot of people who are iffy on Christian, so I hope this is just a convoluted way to turn Christian heel while getting him the belt back. I just have a bad feeling this is going to be another “I respect you a lot but I’ll turn on you weekly and you’ll understand” storyline.
4. WWE finally did a four-way-dance correctly! Great camera-work here by the production team, and great pacing by the wrestlers. It was easy to follow and easy to see. The Big Show wasn’t boring for once and his reversal to the RKO was crazy. I didn’t expect Orton to win the belt at all, and he did it in true-heel fashion. I’d have to say this was one of the best WWE Title Matches I’ve seen in a while.
5. Donald Trump “owning” RAW can only mean good things. It’s obvious WWE is desperate for ratings, so I’m expecting to see some crazy and outlandish ideas happening. I’m excited.
6. Maryse (not “Maurice”, Michael Cole) distracted me this whole match. And that other girl should stick to being Beth’s valet… she’s lousy.
7. As soon as I saw they were showing Goldust and Horny shooting the bazooka into the crowd, I knew it was going to be used as a gimmick in the segment. Only if The Miz shot a little bit lower, I’d still be crying right now. Either way, that was hilarious. Hopefully this will lead to The Miz and The Brian Kendrick teaming after the whole Cena feud blows over.
8. CM Punk’s promo was so kiss-ass to the fans, a heel turn has to happen.
9. Yet another awesome title match! Hardy and Edge lit it up, with Punk not trailing far behind. That stair bump was very well done, but they kept the cameras on Punk way too long. Either way, it ended perfectly if they are trying to turn Punk heel. When Punk first entered ECW, I thought his first heel feud would end up with Sandman for the whole “Straight Edge vs. Drunk P.O.S.” angle. That still works with Hardy, except it’s going to be billed as “Straight Edge vs. Druggie P.O.S.”.
10. Everyone knew Triple H was going to win, but I do have to say I’m excited for next week;s main-event. I’m also excited the ending of the match could lead to The Miz saying he caused Cena’s elimination. Easily the best RAW in a very long time.
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