Jeff Hardy Leaves WWE, Replaced on Smackdown Roster

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This week’s Smackdown was Jeff Hardy’s last day in WWE… for now.

On TV, we saw Hardy lose a match with the stipulation being a loss would mean having to leave WWE. Behind-the-scenes, all reports have pointed to Jeff’s contract being up recently, and the former World Champ looking to take some time off to focus on other projects.

Meanwhile, a young superstar returned to Smackdown on Friday with an impressive beat-down on a popular star. Drew McIntyre, who hadn’t been seen on WWE TV since before his profile was removed from the RAW Superstars page back in April of last year, made his return to Friday nights by giving R Truth a beating on his way out to the ring. has an article up looking at some Jeff Hardy WWE highlights, as well as a video of his farewell.

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