So after nearly a week I was finally able to watch the last new episode of Smallville online at the CW website. And this exceptionally frustrating occurrence has made me take issue with the CW. I mean, unlike virtually every other network, which promptly (as in, the next day) offer full episodes on sites like Hulu and IMDb in addition to their own official network site, the CW waits about 5 days and (unless there are exceptions that I am unaware of) ONLY offers the episodes on Meanwhile you’ve got somebody like me, who is attempting to watch the show honestly (as in, not downloading it or watching on YouTube), and this is what I get. And they wonder why their network is perennially struggling.
Honestly, I don’t know all too much about Metallo, so I don’t have a whole lot to say about the villain aspect of the night’s episode. Although I did love Lois’ “Terminator” shout out. Overall, the thing felt very Iron Man-esque to me. Not that that’s necessarily a criticism.
I must say, though, that I think Chloe was the real driving force and overall highlight of this episode. This is noteworthy because her character didn’t do anything particularly eventful, per se, she was just the perennial voice of reason for all of the major players. And quite honestly, the burgeoning romance between Lois and Clark has worked so magnificently the past two episodes – despite their not really sharing any scenes – because of Chloe acting as their conveyer.
Perhaps Chloe’s strongest performance came in her genuine realization that she’s being replaced by Lois, as it relates to Clark, in pretty much every conceivable way. Not only is she now the one he turns to when the superhero in him requires some sort of expert sidekick, but she’s also the compassionate ear he relies on when his human side needs companionship and understanding. I found her mostly understated reactions to be very real and touching. Considering all she’s gone through – and all she’s sacrificed and lost – it’s easy for her to ask herself, “What purpose do I serve now? Where do I belong?” It’s sad to say, but directly or indirectly, her relationship with Clark has resulted in her losing her husband, her journalistic aspirations, and many of her friends. I can easily imagine how painful and difficult it is for her to watch somebody else swoop in – without even trying, no less – and taking all that she lives for.
I do find it funny, though, that she has all of that high tech computer equipment so openly set up in her home. It’s like, doesn’t she ever get ANY visitors? Such as, I don’t know, her cousin???? Which leads me to the only real criticism that I have of this season so far: We really should have witnessed the powerful scene in which Chloe tells Lois that Jimmy was murdered. I really feel robbed of that moment.
Actually, her not-so-hidden computer fortress is a bit ironic, considering the fact that she (rightly) lashed out at Clark for carelessly roaming around his house in his Blur garb. Throughout the entire episode, it felt like she was bringing out those really great points that the audience is thinking: Why would he walk around the house in his costume without even checking if anybody else is in there? Why would he continue to feed the dog if he’s attempting to cut off all forms of human emotion? At first I wanted her to ask a VERY obvious question: Why on earth do you not wear a mask, when you fully intend on creating this character? But then I thought about it, and it makes sense. In Clark’s eyes, “Clark Kent” no longer exists. So hiding his face is a moot point.
But I think my favorite scene was the conclusion, when Clark finally decided to drop the dark routine and had an open, honest, and heartfelt discussion with Chloe. And while I’m a HUGE supporter of the Lois and Clark relationship, I do feel it was right that he had that talk with Chloe. The question is, will he now ditch the black wardrobe in favor of his classic (and future) red and blue?
That being said, I do love the fact that Lois was the reason Clark couldn’t completely cut off his humanity. While she was MIA, Clark did this pretty successfully (according to Chloe and others), yet once she returned, Clark started dropping in on their personal lives again. My favorite part? Sure, Clark can’t physically be near Lana (so stupid), but he is still allowed to love her. Yet his feelings for her didn’t come into play here. It’s his feelings for Lois that are coming into play here.
So far, I’m really pleased with how they’ve handled this relationship. And how cool was the visual of Clark and Lois’ nameplates sitting on their desks (both aiming at the camera) at the Daily Planet? This show has really come a long way, hasn’t it? Now Lord, PLEASE don’t take a giant step back again.
Matt Basilo has been writing for Inside Pulse since April 2005, providing his insight into popular television shows such as Lost, 24, Heroes, and Smallville. You can visit his blog at [a case of the blog].