One Tree Hill Spring Preview

Shows, Top Story

After a surprisingly good start to Season 7 (who knew!), I’m excited to see what else the writers have in store for us. The rest of the post discusses spoilers from various sources so stop reading if you don’t want to know! At the same time, there’s nothing TOO big being revealed so don’t sweat it too much. The rest of the season airs this Monday January 18 at 8 p.m.

I would say the biggest news is that the new episode reintroduces….wait for it…TAYLOR James. Yeah, that’s right. The manipuliative and somewhat slutty sister of Haley. Last we saw, she was hitting on Nathan who apparently lost his viginity to her. She didn’t have much direction in her life, moving around and working odd jobs. Rumor has it that she will be coming back to Tree Hill with David, Quinn’s husband. I actually just realized that Quinn is still married…so you can be sure that stuff’s gonna hit the fan. I don’t care so much for this David guy. He’s just boring and I’m hoping they don’t drag out the divorce (even though they probably will).

Also in the first episode back, Haley performs a concert. We haven’t seen her perform in a while and I’m excited. Her songs are usually a hit or miss with me, so I’m hoping she is bringing her A-game so I have some new music to download.

Speaking of music, Cheap Trick filmed a performance for the show in early December. Apparently, the band comes to Tree Hill to help raise money for the arts program at the high school in an 80’s-themed fundraiser. Kind of random considering no one is affiliated with the school anymore…or are they?

Just as the Julian/Brooke drama gets worse with Alex and the new COB guy, Owen comes back to make more of a mess. No word as to what he will be doing back in Tree Hill, but it’s confirmed he will be back for at least one episode. Personally, I hope it has nothing to do with Brooke, but that’s wishful thinking. I’m actually hoping he tries to clean up Millie. A former alcoholic (well, not really former since he drank recently), he helped out Rachel when she overdosed. And since he and Millie slept together (where was the aftermath of that BTW?), he should make an attempt. Mouth’s gone and she’s has no one. Not that I really blame anyone from getting away from that trainwreck…

So there you go! We have a lot to look forward to this coming Monday night as our favorite Tree Hillers return to our living room. Will this be the last season or will the decent ratings help the show live to see another season? What are your thoughts on the upcoming second half of the season?

Check out the video promo here!

Sharon Tharp is a freelance writer who has contributed to a variety of publications including Hamptons magazine and the Web sites of both Marie Claire and CosmoGIRL!.