Bret Hart to be on WWE Raw Tonight, 4/12


According to his Facebook page, Bret Hart will be at Raw tonight.

Speculation as to Hart’s role quite naturally abounds. Will Bret be involved in the Miz and Big Show’s next angle? After last week being ShowMiz vs. Batista and John Cena, then Cena and David Otunga, has the Tag Champions feud with The Hart Dynasty be called off? If so, how about Bret leading the Hart Dynasty against Ted Dibiase’s much rumored new faction with his younger brother and Joe Hennig? Bret could also conceivably continue involvement in the Batista-Cena feud if the Hart Dynasty aren’t considered to be worth the rub. As always, Bret’s involvement in the WWE ramps up excitement for Raw!

Glazer is a former senior editor at Pulse Wrestling and editor and reviewer at The Comics Nexus.