Garth Ennis' Crossed to be Made into a Movie

News, Projects

Superstar comics writer Garth Ennis, best known for his DC Vertigo series Preacher, will write the script of the adaptation of his Avatar mini-series Crossed.

The ten-issue series tells the tale of a group of survivors “dealing with a zombie-like plague that causes it victims to carry out their most evil thoughts and wishes, including murder, rape, mutilation, arson.” The movie is being produced by Michael De Luca, Jason Netter, and Kevin Spacey’s Trigger Happy Productions. At the moment no director has been assigned to the project.

The Pulse: I have to admit, I’m getting a bit zombied out. As much as I enjoy horror flicks, it seems like we’re getting three or four zombie flicks a year, and I might be a bit conservative in that estimate. I’m experiencing overexposure city here, but Crossed may well be an exception because it’s Garth Ennis. Honestly, I can’t quite get a read on Ennis; sometimes he seems to be way overhyped, but at other times he really seems to be the genius so many think he is. I loved Preacher, but most of his other works seem like Preacher rehash, like his run on Punisher, but I will say this, the man has a powerful voice and even if only a tenth of that voice makes it to the screen then we’ll get something that sports twenty-pound brass balls and should be a hell of a lot of fun to watch.

Credit: Superherohype!