The State of Wrestling: The Monday Night War

Columns, Features

Today has been an interesting week as Mother Nature has done something that Ted Turner, the Federal Government and the NBA couldn’t – she destroyed a WWE show. Sure, the show will go on just not in the way that it would given any other type of man-made catastrophic event. So, this is horrible thing, right? TNA is going to make a ratings grab and succeed! Wrong. WWE has created drama and people feed on drama.
This can go one of two ways: (A)Mainstream fans will see that the stars they tuned in to see are not there and turn the channel or (B) Wrestling fans will tune in just to see what the WWE throws together. Either way, TNA will more than likely not see any help from Raw being stuck across the pond. How did I come to these conclusions? Simple. People complain that they are seeing the same thing happening on Raw over and over but this week the WWE went a different direction. They had to rely on other people in order to fill their show. People are going to watch and stay tuned because it is different. Other wrestling fans are going to tune in because the guys that they don’t normally get to see could very well get the spotlight tonight. Even though many people say “change is bad”, tonight is going to prove differently. My next thoughts will be saved for 9:00 Mountain Time.

Pheww! That was an awesome Raw, wasn’t it!? I’m kidding, that was worse than I ever thought that it would be. I mean, seriously? Instead of bringing in members of the Raw roster still in America, they bring in Khali? What did Zack Ryder do to disappear from life? What did half the guys who could have been booked for the show do to fall out of Vince’s good graces? I am guessing absolutely nothing. But this shows the support that Vince McMahon puts into his wrestlers.
Is that a problem? Yes and no. Every wrestler’s dream is to say that they were a professional wrestler for the WWE at one point in their life. At the same time, he probably also says that he would like to see them succeed as much as possible. But how can any of them receive an opportunity when they don’t even get the chance? Did we really need Triple H for a majority of the show? It is obvious he is the boss’ son-in-law but this literally felt like shoving him down our throat. Not to mention there was only about 3 and a half matches with only 1 and a half including Raw wrestlers.
Now, I could go back and erase what I first said like it never exists but I won’t. TNA put on one hell of a show. It was one of the best out of them ever in my opinion. And to think I didn’t even give them a chance going into the show, stupid me. They put together a show which showcased exactly what it should be: good matches. They built the show up well and delivered on everything that they needed to for a good show. Opinions?
If this ever happens again where wrestlers get stranded (although I do not see it happening), you are likelier to get a better show out of TNA. Why? Because it is now apparent that Vinnie Mac will not try to shake anything up. He will run to his go-to guys which, while it can work, will take another step in making them stale. There is no variation from the plan which many fans love to see. In what should have been a moment for Raw to test out new styles, they chose not to. And still refunded everyone’s money I should point out. If TNA had more visibility, last night was the night that they would have taken over the Monday Night Wars. Luckily for WWE, they didn’t have to worry about that but how long of running the same games before TNA does become a visible option?

Ben LeDoux is a professional wrestler and a writer for Inside Pulse Wrestling, technicolor Magazine, Denver Daily News and other organizations. He is currently the Editor of the Front Page Newspaper.