True Blood – Episode 3-4 Review


Without a doubt, if Sookie and Bill had been at the center of “9 Crimes,” it would have been a great episode. But, unfortunately, they were relegated to the beginning and end of the episode while the others characters stomped around Bon Temps in various uninteresting subplots.

After last episode’s wild sex antics, Bill continued down the road, further drawing himself into darkness. In four episodes, Bill has completely switched, both in allegiance and personality–perhaps a product of his lack of proximity to Sookie. When Bill and Sookie reunite, it’ll be interesting to see what happens.

For now, they are apart, and the circumstances created are currently keeping True Blood afloat. Along with Bill calling to tell Sookie everything is over, complete with the line, “We fucked like only two vampires can,” he tells Russell about Eric selling V on orders from Sophie-Anne. In turn, the Magister raids Fantasia for V, but Pam blames it on Bill to save her clean. Clearly, Russell has everything mapped out.

At the end of the episode, Bill collects a stripper to drink. When he glamours her to make sure no one cares about her, she tells him it is pointless to love, reinforcing his actions–all to the haunting tune of “Paradise Circus.” As Sookie gets in trouble, he feels her in danger and even stops, before joining Russell and Lorena in their feast.

Sookie, after the devastating phone call from Bill, finds a kindred spirit in Alcide, who, as we learn, is very warm, definitely a plus. Like Alcide, she’s recently been scorned, though she’s still in the grieving process. Despite telling Sookie she’ll should get over Bill, Alcide, too, has issues getting over his ex. Together, he and Sookie, dressed as a badass werewolf, visit a werewolf club where they find his ex. However, Russell shows up and shows why he has control over the pack. He doles out a small amount of V and leaves, forcing them to work for him if they want more. The cliffhanger at the end of the episode could potentially propel the story forward. Everyone is turning into wolves, except Sookie who will stick out like a tender, little human.

The Bon Temps stuff was mostly filler setup for the next episode, and nothing left me looking for more. Epitomizing the problem–Jessica’s brief appearance. In need of help at the Bar, Sam hires Jessica, a good choice under the circumstances. A guy from her hometown recognizes her and she glamours him outside as Hoyt watches from a distance, clearly dissatisfied. So? What are supposed to take from that? There’s no indication–not even an inkling–of what could happen next.

Likewise, Sam finds his brother, finally talking some sense into him, and the rest of his family, who are camping outside, because they’ve fallen behind on house payments. They agree to behave and don’t show up for the rest of the episode. Why should we care what happens next with them?

And the rest of Bon Temps follows a similar pattern. Jason corners Andy, requesting to be made a deputy after showing up the local high school football star. Lafayette is saved by Eric from some unfriendly drug dealers. Franklin pumps Tara for more information on Bill before tying her up and taking her to Russell.

I’m worried about how this season is shaping up, especially in comparison to the second season, which I thought started well and ended blandly. Four episodes in, the third season is humming along at an adequate pace, far less than True Blood is capable of. We can only hope that’s because more gas is left in the tank.

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