Friday Night Lights – Episode 5-8 Review

Reviews, Shows

There’s lots of bad stuff happening in “Fracture,” and you have to wonder whether the fracture will turn into something more. Will Coach patch things up by the end of the series? It’s hard to imagine Friday Night Lights ending in the darkness, and with 5 episodes left, things will probably start turning around.

It’s hard not to hate Vince right now. Simply put, he’s acting like a dumbass punk, and part of me wants him fall off his high horse with some major NCAA investigation. However, we also have to remember that he is/was(?) a good kid and was doing fine before colleges and his father guided him in the wrong direction. Still, he was conscious in his decisions to go along with his dad, reject Coach, and be self-centered.

Meanwhile, the team is falling apart as they see their leader, Vince, going off on his own. Football is, after all, a team sport, and Vince would be nowhere without everyone else. His visit to Oklahoma, missing practice, and not giving a shoutout to the team, really speaks to the team how Vince feels about them

Becky had plenty of great scenes in the episode, revealing to Mindy and her friends how she got pregnant the first time she had sex.

Tami spends the episode dealing with Epyck who continues to fight and lie. Why? We’ll have to find out, and hopefully we can actually see Epyck interact with characters other than Tami (she is in the same high school).

Derek shows up again, and if we needed more evidence, he fully exposes himself as a slimy guy. The episode ends with Julie at Matt’s front door, thankfully not Derek’s. I guess that’s something positive.

Score: 9.3/10

"The TV Obsessed" is a person who watches lots TV and reviews every episodes. This results in the occasional lack of sleep and English mistakes. Check out the full site or follow me on twitter