The Good Wife – Episode 2-11 Review

Reviews, Shows

The amount of deception in “Two Courts” is incredible. Everyone’s doing something behind the scenes, with others trying to figure out what’s going on, resulting in the giddy pleasure of watching all the background machinations.

There’s the jury expert who watches for micro-expressions but turns out to be useless even after Will and Alicia put in extra effort to make his skills useful. Blake has been spying on the associates for Bond, even after Bond joined the firm. Jackie, who seems crazier by the minute, tries to meddle in the campaign by inserting her guy into the campaign. Diane originally offers Cary a job, but after further scheming with Will to take down Bond, she offers Cary a job at Lockhart Gardner. However, Cary asks for double Alicia’s salary and a position above hers.

The final scene of Alicia asking the jury foreman why they came to a quick decision pretty much blows out the idea of reading the jury. According to him, they just knew. Whether that’s realistic or not is another story. Maybe it’s because this case was more clear cut than usual since Kalinda wasn’t able to dig up more information. Also, the deviation of tactics towards influencing the jury leaves us without a good comparison.

Score: 9.0/10

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