Despite earlier solicits that had both Time Masters: Vanishing Point #6 and Flash #9 shipping on January 26th, DC’s newest solicits shows the books shipping February 2, 2011 and February 9, 2011 respectively.
The solicits for the two books can be found through this link which also includes my thoughts on them.
However, what is new is that Jeff Lemire’s Superboy #4, also shipping on February 2nd this week, sounds like it may also fit into Flashpoint since it seems to involve a future timeline that we haven’t seen yet.
Here’s what DC has to say about the issue:
Psionic Lad visits Superboy from the Smallville of 2216 – a Smallville that’s been turned into a “towering, festering acropolis; a rogue, immoral city-state” that’s at war with the rest of the world. This future is the fault of a tyrant known as the Prime-Hunter, and Psionic Lad needs Superboy’s help to find a way of fighting back.
Does this “Prime-Hunter” hint at the return of Superboy-Prime (either as the one being hunted OR as the hunter searching for “his” Earth Prime) in the Superboy series… AND Flashpoint? Seems too coincidental that Superboy would take place in a future timeline when we have the time-bending Flashpoint series coming up.
Check out DC’s teaser pic below. Click on it for a much BIGGER look.