Three Former WWE World Champions Return at the WWE Royal Rumble 2011


As reported earlier, Kevin Nash and Booker T returned to the WWE for the Royal Rumble. The Great Khali, done with his reality show in India, also returned.

Nash came in as Diesel to a huge pop and his some signature spots before being eliminated.

Booker T came in as Nexus was dominating, hit the Bookend, Axe Kick, Cravate Kick and got the Spinneroonie before being eliminated.

Khali also came out as Nexus dominated, eliminated one member, but then Mason Ryan came out and single handedly handled the giant.

You can find a full review of the Rumble right here and a podcast on the show at this link.

Glazer is a former senior editor at Pulse Wrestling and editor and reviewer at The Comics Nexus.