Chuck – Episode 4-15 Recap

Reviews, Shows

I usually like Chuck. In fact, I usually love Chuck. But this episode? I don’t know, it just didn’t do it for me.

Things that were supposed to be funny just felt tacky, and the whole thing just seemed a little…gratuitous? The premise was alright. Chuck and Sarah were having an engagement party, and he tried to track down some of her old friends to attend. That sounds very much like Chuck. But the idea that Sarah once belonged to a Charlie’s Angels type group of spies called the C.A.T. Squad? It just really, really left me feeling cold.

For example, it was predictable. I knew from the beginning that the chipper Baby Spice type spy would be the real traitor, that Sarah would see she’d been wrong about Zondra, and that in the end Sarah would admit she was glad Chuck had gone meddling in her past.

And Sarah and Zondra deciding to settle their trust issues by fighting? How does that prove anything? Couldn’t they fight and Zondra still could have been the traitor? Yes. So it was gratuitous.

I like this show a lot and don’t want to focus too much on one dud episode, so I’ll leave it at that. There were some shining moments that I’d like to see the series continue to focus on this season.

  • Sarah’s relationship with Ellie. Do we really need to go digging into Sarah’s complicated past? Isn’t it enough that she embrace her new family? Ellie hasn’t gotten great material over the past season or so, and I think a friendship with Sarah could be exactly what her character needs. 
  • Morgan’s relationship with Alex. Morgan’s series of unfortunate events that led to Alex almost dumping him saved this episode, as did his final speech where he declared his love for her. I want to see this relationship work out. I think Chuck has enough going on in the spy world that the main characters can be in happy relationships.
  • Casey. We’re clearly building up to him telling Alex’s mother Kathleen that he’s alive, and this interests me. 

What did you think of  “Cat Squad”? Did you like it more than I did? What storylines do you want to see developed this season?

You can follow Jill at her blog,, or on Twitter @jillemader Jill has been an avid fan of TV since the age of two, when she was so obsessed with Zoobilee Zoo that her mother lied and told her it had been canceled. Despite that setback, she grew up to be a television aficionado and pop culture addict.