DC Comics Relaunch: Grant Morrison & Rags Morales’ Action Comics #1 Cover


Skitch Commentary: This is one crazy cover. What’s with the jeans and the tiny looking cape? My close friend Mike Weaver said, “He looks like what I would look like if I realized I had twenty bucks and needed to dress up like Superman.” And I think that is a great description.

And why are the cops shooting at him? I know he’s the first super-hero and all that, but I am pretty sure it’s not typical police regulations to shoot at someone just because he happens to have a unique ability. Or else Michael Jordan should watch out!!

While this is an odd cover, I do have to say that the art is really great. And I like Morrison, so I am willing to give him a lot of leeway here, but it does seem like a strange way to Relaunch the world’s best known superhero.

Mike Maillaro is a lifelong Jersey Boy and geek. Mike has been a comic fan for about 30 years from when his mom used to buy him Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Adventures at our local newsstand. Thanks, Mom!! Mike's goal is to bring more positivity to the discussion of comics and pop culture.