In “Toledo’s Next Top Model,” Lennox must decide if she wants to be an advertisement model when she’s discovered at the mall. Joe regrets helping Ryder win over a bossy date.
Lennox is ecstatic after she’s told by a professional (Vivica Fox) that she’s model material. At first the promise of money that could pay for college convinces both Lennox and reluctant Mel, who was scammed in in the past, that it could be a good idea. But then Lennox has to wear a real fur jacket, and is told she has to wear it because she’s not as skinny as the other models. Snapped back to reality, Lennox realizes that modeling isn’t for her. This is unfortunate for Mel, who after changing her mind about the subject, once again has to pass up her dream bathroom in order to save for Lennox’s college.
Meanwhile, Ryder needs advice from Joe on how to charm his study partner, Holly Reback (Rachel Fox). The plan works perfectly, but when Holly’s invited over for a study date, Joe sees first-hand what an controlling person she is. Joe naturally tries to talk Ryder out of the relationship, but Ryder becomes putty in Holly’s hands after she kisses him.
I have to be honest here. The past few episodes haven’t really kept my interest, including this one. Even though the adults and kids finally interacted, which is what I’ve been saying should happen, there seems to be something…missing. I’m not exactly sure what, as there’s always funny dialogue and decent acting by the main cast. Really I think the story lines are just falling flat. Most episodes focused on the interesting scandal concept in the beginning, but the end of season one seems too soon to drop the issue and move on, as now the characters act like they’re totally adjusted to their relatively-new situation.
Maybe I’m nitpicking, but I am starting to lose interest after the first couple of strong episodes when the show returned. “The Mel Word” airs next week.