Here is a report from the Raw show:
Looks like you got most of the highlights on your report. I can add that when Stephanie McMahon came out at the start she was booed so loudly it was almost impossible to hear a thing she said. In fact I was the only one in our group that heard her at all. I’m surprised Daniel Bryan’s entrance didn’t air because it was cut off in the middle, so I thought they were coming back from commercial. Both guys got a big response and at one point the crowd was chanting “you’re both awesome” and later it was “Daniel Ziggler” since I guess some couldn’t decide. Mizdow was over big.
Xavier Woods looked upset with the New Day sucks chants. I think that made the chants louder. The lucha chants for the Lucha Dragons need to go. I was glad people were loud for Cesaro though.
Brock Lesnar going into total destruction mode was great to watch live. I heard some people saying the camera man who took the F5’s was a local wrestler. Seth Rollins ran out of there right in front of us and I think Michael Cole should have followed his example. We didn’t realize at first JBL and Booker were also taken out because it was too dark to see as they went to commercial and they only brought out the two stretchers.
I loved seeing Neville debut live. That place went crazy for him. I was also glad no bad gimmick came with him. Axelmania also seemed to be alive and well in the building before Neville came out.
I’m guessing based on the Raw report that maybe the sound was turned down some at the end of John Cena vs Dean Ambrose. Ambrose was loudly cheered through the whole thing and the end when he took time to get up. The singing “John Cena sucks” was loud through a lot of the match which has me thinking they may have done something to crowd noise if it seemed muted for Dean.
Speaking of things to edit, that Divas match was something to witness. At one point I was thinking it was going to come to an abrupt stop because “you suck Cena” chants at Nikki Bella. It started with “no more Bellas,” then the Nikki chants, and, of course, she tagged in Brie, so I’m sure most can guess what followed – sub out Cena’s name for Bryan. Then some people decided to toss Tyson Kidd’s name briefly while Brie was still in the ring. Then it changed to Russo, at which point “eww” was my response before I could stop myself. There was also a we want Sable chant that turned into “we want tables.” I think one half of the place misunderstood the other.
Three beach balls were instantly being tossed around the second that match started. I think that match got the crowd on a roll as you could see in the main event. At one point, I couldn’t tell if they were chanting “we’ve still got it,” but that’s how it sounded. The wave was crazy to see in the arena. It was moving fast and at one point I’d swear Ryback tried keeping up with it waving his arms. Not sure if it was coincidence. All in all it was an awesome weekend and that was absolutely what felt like the fastest episode of Raw I’ve ever attended live.