JR Blog: Destination America adding Ring of Honor, Kevin Owens, TNA’s communication with talent, Bret “Hitman” Hart


Jim Ross had a pre-Elimination Chamber blog, here are some highlights

on Destination America
Still lots of buzz surrounding Destination America adding Ring of Honor (ROH) to their broadcast line up as a lead in to TNA Impact Wrestling beginning next week on Wednesday nights. It is certainly feasible that by adding ROH to pair with TNA that the two brands could compliment each other and provide the most devout wrestling fans a destination to support both brands. There’s nothing wrong with one network featuring two, different wrestling brands no different than featuring two different sitcoms, ect. Stations having a ‘wrestling block’ isn’t a new concept and was done in multiple markets back in the day including Dallas and Atlanta. By pairing the two brands together, Destination America may have backed into a really nice package that wrestling fans will find attractive during the md week. Could ROH being on the same network actually be a blessing for TNA? Never say never as the ratings will tell that story.

on Kevin Owens
Looks like Kevin Steen Owens has seemingly begun to finish his stay in NXT and move to the main WWE roster permanently from what many sources are saying. Congrats to him and here’s hoping that he can stay healthy and catch a creative break to be able to show the world just what he can do bell to bell. Kevin is a great talent who’s certainly paid his dues and I wish him the best. I wonder if some of WWE’s top hands fully realize that Owens is coming take one of their jobs? WWE has a great opportunity to facilitate Owens making a memorable impact come Sunday at the Elimination Chamber.

on TNA’s communication with talent
Good to see that TNA finally reached out to their roster of athletes to attempt to update them on the companies current status. Communication is the key in unsettling times such as this as wrestlers, not unlike any other pro athlete or entertainer, generally are prone to be paranoid and restless by nature and not communicating with them is one of the most undesirable things management can do. Honesty is always the most advantageous policy when dealing with any one especially any one in the world of wrestling where trust, in general, is fleeting.

on Bret “Hitman” Hart
Bret “Hitman” Hart will be my guest next week, dropping June 2, on the Ross Report Podcast that can be downloaded for FREE at podcasone.com and iTunes. We have a fascinating conversation covering a wide variety of topics including the upcoming WWE DVD on the late Owen Hart and Bret’s thoughts on it along with Owen’s widow Martha’s mindset on the matter as well. We talk tag team wrestling, the Dynamite Kid, Montreal, Bret’s WCW ill fated run and his thoughts on @Goldberg after the concussion Bret received from Bill that essentially ended Bret’s wrestling career. Plus, Bret has some eye opening thoughts on the state of the business today. It’s one of the most open and candid conversations that we’ve had on our podcast and one that you can listen to for FREE. Subscribe at no cost at iTunes. The show drops as usual on Tuesday night at 9 pm ET/6 pacific.

Check out the full blog at JR’s BBQ

Jonathan Widro is the owner and founder of Inside Pulse. Over a decade ago he burst onto the scene with a pro-WCW reporting style that earned him the nickname WCWidro. Check him out on Twitter for mostly inane non sequiturs