Welcome to Image Rundown!
Here’s a quick look at everything Image Comics is releasing this week, with highlights and quick reviews for new series and collected editions as well as good jumping-on points for new readers. Let’s get started!
New Series and Highlights
The Magic Order #1 – Mark Millar and Olivier Copiel bring us a brand new series and the first of the Millarworld deal with Netflix. If I understand it right, it’s going to start as a comic series (Netflix’s first all together) then possibly run as a show if it goes well. The series may already be breaking records for highest pre-order sales in the last 20 years, so I’m thinking they’re having good feelings about it. For generations, five families have kept the dark magics at bay and away from the rest of the world. The people are safe, but who protects the families when they start to get picked off one at a time?
If you haven’t heard of the Millarworld/Netflix deal, last year Netflix bought Millarworld (it’s first acquisition) and thus has the ability to bring Kick-Ass, Kingsmen, Jupiter’s Circle/Legacy, and anything else under the Millarworld banner as either a series or continuation of movies. I personally would love to see something with Reborn and/or Huck.
Stellar #1 – From Joe Keatinge (Shutter, Ringside) and Bret Blevins (New Mutants) comes a new series about a war-torn galaxy, and how a bounty hunter can make her way in it. But Stellar isn’t an ordinary bounty hunter; when she can, she tries to help those less fortunate and as well as stay far from a past she’s less than proud of.
The Weatherman #1 – Nathan Bright seems like your typical never-grew-up slacker who shows up to work late, goofs around, and can’t maintain a steady relationship with anyone except his dog. But that all takes a quick turn when his past comes to collect. I’m not familiar with a lot of Jody Leheup’s work other than Shirtless Bear Fighter (which, if you can’t tell by the title, was a ridiculous and hilarious family romp) but I’m thinking this series is going to be something quite cool. Nathan Fox’s artwork (also seen in Vertigo’s F.B.P.) is a perfect match for this story and character, both a bit out of this world.
Copperhead #19 – Original series artist Scott Godlewski returns! The last two arcs were interesting as they felt more like a Part One and Part Two rather than separate stories. Last arc shone a bright light on sheriff Bronson’s dark past, now it looks like Copperhead’s new mayor plans to investigate the city’s “most powerful man”. This might serve as a good jumping on point for new readers, but I highly recommend checking out the rest of the series too, it’s been one of my favorites since issue #1.
Proxima Centauri #1 – Sherwood is stuck in another dimension called Proxima Centauri with scientist H. Duke and ghost girl M. Parasol, hoping to get back to Earth. I haven’t read much Farel Dalrymple before, and his famed web-comic It Will All Hurt hits shelves in print today, too. This is a good week for Dalrymple fans.
Continuing Series
- Analog #3 – Last issue, things didn’t end up so hot for Jack or Oona, I’m betting this is one of those “gonna get worse before it gets better” situations.
- Bloodstrike #0
- Dead Hand #3 – Despite Renae’s actions last issue, I have a feeling Mountain View’s visitor problem isn’t going away so soon, not to mention tension within the town. If you haven’t checked out this post-Cold War spy thriller, I recommend getting on board now before things get really out of hand.
- Death of Love #5 – Mini-series finale from Justin Jordan, TPB out on August 22nd.
- Dry County #4
- The Fix #12
- I Hate Fairyland #19 – GERT. IN. SPAAACE.
- Kick-Ass #5
- Mage: The Hero Denied #9
- Monstress #17
- Oblivion Song #4
- Port of Earth #6
- Rose #12 – Arc conclusion, look for Vol. 02 TPB August 15th.
- Witchblade #6
Collected Editions and OGNs
Rumble Vol. 04 A Soul Without Pity TPB – This is the fourth arc, collecting the “relaunch” of the series, the new #1-5. It wasn’t really a relaunch, the series went in a different direction with a new artist, and for my money is just as strong as the first three arcs.
The Beauty Vol. 04 TPB
It Will All Hurt TPB – Farel Dalrymple’s Eisner-nominated webcomic comes to print for the first time, collecting issues #1-3.
Slots Vol. 01 TPB – Stanley Dance is an aging boxer, making sure he gets in one last swing before he walks out of the ring for good. From legendary artist Dan Panosian, this TPB collects issues #1-6.
If you’re looking for more recommendations, find me on Twitter and Tumblr.
Happy reading, everyone, and see you next week!