DC Comics Universe and Batman #49 Spoilers follow.
The Joker Vs. Catwoman On The Eve Of The Wedding In Batman #50! Who Lives, Who Dies?
So, after the Joker incapacitates Batman last issue in a Cathedral, Catwoman comes to his aid, and both the Joker and Catwoman are seemingly mortally wounded.
They have to hold onto their respective injuries so they don’t bleed out and die. As they do think self-preservation they banter and talk like two old villain colleagues. Joker actually asks her to help him reload his gun so he can kill her.
The Joker also congratulates her on her upcoming wedding to Batman.
She confides him that she stole her wedding dress, being true to her criminal roots and that Batman doesn’t know. The Joker also insists she can’t plan her wedding last minute; these things should take time.
Hmmm. A spur of the moment wedding in Batman #50? Catwoman and Batman elope? Catwoman and Batman don’t get married next issue? Time lapse of a few weeks or months into the future of Batman #50 with a properly planned wedding? Lots of options for next issue.
Joker musters some energy to stand up, reload and kill Catwoman because if Batman is happily married to her he won’t really be Batman; however Joker is too weak and collapses.
The book ends with the Batman coming to, Joker unconscious and…
…Catwoman laughing Joker style.