DC Comics and Legion of Super-Heroes #10 Spoilers and Review follows.
Gold Lantern Goes To Oa…
…As Surprises Lurk On New Krypton…
…With A BIG Return At The End!
The book includes a visit to Oa and…
…its Elders plus…
…the reveal of Gold Lantern’s name…
…which is Kala Lour.
Another part of the team visits new Krypton as…
…later on Earth, Brainiac 5…
…studying what happened to the Green Lantern Corps as…
…Dr. Fate joins them with a plan to visit Xanathu.
Back on New Krypton we learn that…
…Mon-el has kids as…
…the book ends with the return of Rogol Zaar!
The Pulse:
Lots going on in this issue and all was compelling this time. Decent art. A fun issue. 8 out of 10.