DC Comics Universe and Suicide Squad #10 Spoilers and Review follows.
How Dead Is Deadshot…
…How Evil Is Blue Beetle and…
…How Gross Is An Unmasked Black Mask?
The book opens with a quick resolution to last issue’s cliffhanger…
…with Deadshot dead and…
…Ted Kord revealing he wasn’t behind Task Force X’s problems.
It was Black Mask who has whole body Chameleon type powers now.
Later, the team goes into battle with Harley Quinn donning Deadshot’s mask to honor her fallen comrade and perhaps even friend.
They escape and have Black Mask captured…
…who is unmasked; unknowing that his mask was burned onto his face!
The book ends, with the Lola a human WMD set to explode…
…the team conscripting a Red Skull looking Black Mask into a…
…suicide mission!
The Pulse:
A touching tribute by Harley Quinn to Deadshot in battle. Not too surprised that Ted Kord isn’t really evil, but am surprised Deadshot is dead… for now?! Considering Dark Nights: Death Metal reboots DC’s multiverse I hope Floyd Lawton’s death is short-loved. Solid art. 8 out of 10.