Benefits Of Instrument Playing For Children: How To Animate Them To Start Learning


Music has its positive effects on life in general and can have a lot of advantages most especially for growing kids. Nonetheless, those benefits don’t come from just sitting in music class and nodding along to musical sounds — kids need to engage with music actively.

More so, a lot of children are generally drawn to musical instruments; and the reason is that by tapping the piano keys or thrumming a guitar string they can produce great sounds without even trying. And if you discover that your child loves to move to several melodies, they’re probably attuned to music and even more so, will also enjoy making it themselves. 

Going forward, children who learn how to play musical instruments gain a tremendous hobby and even more gain several significant mental benefits that’ll help them come to be more successful people. If you’re contemplating signing your child up for music lessons, then here are some of the advantages you can expect. 

Benefits Of Instrument Playing For Children

It Exposes Kids to Culture and History

Music theory in general has a deep history and can even be taught as part of musical instruction. More so, music is almost always a reflection of the era and culture it was composed in. Teaching a child about multiple types of musical genres – these genres include contemporary, classical, jazz, rock, folk, blues, and medieval – will allow them to have a peek into the past, and more so understanding the difference in the heritage of music can give children a profound understanding of what they are playing and this can make them more attached to it. Going forward, even music therapy has a fascinating history including being found in philosophy, Greek mythology, Native American culture, etc. 

It Teaches Patience

Playing an instrument implies having to endure through hours, days, or even more, possibly years of practice. The truth is that kids must have patience while understanding to set goals. The violin is a device that can teach tolerance because it takes practice and real patience to understand how to hold the bow and in turn get the strings to make a sound. When looking to buy a violin, note that they come in different sizes, so have your child appropriately fitted for one of their sizes.

It Boosts Self-Esteem

Learning a device gives kids an outlet to practice, make adjustments, see positive changes and listen to feedback. And as they improve, they’ll in turn build their confidence and boost self-esteem. The piano is a great example of a musical instrument often used for a performance. 

If your child seems interested in playing the piano, consider which type or model will work best in your home. While a baby grand and grand piano sound identical, smaller pianos tend to produce less volume and sound sharper.

It Creates Responsibility

A lot of instruments need proper maintenance to keep them sounding and looking new, which in turn gives kids something to be responsible for. More so, kids also learn to follow a training schedule, irrespective of if they are at home or attending lessons. For example, if your child exhibits concern in understanding how to play the flute, it’s good you teach them the obligation to regularly clean their flute with a cloth and a rod. 

It Improves Reading and Comprehension Skills

Understanding and playing music needs constant reading and comprehension. Children and teens need to recognize a note on the page and in turn recognize which note or pitch to play on their instrument, what fingers to use, how loud they could play it, and how long to hold it. Even more so, they also need to specify if the note should be played quick and crisp, or smooth and attached to the next note. Learning to read and discern music can even help in understanding and reading literature in school classes.

Improves Social Skills

It all depends on what the music therapist decides, music therapy can be done either at the group settings or bedside. When involved in a group setting, this requires teens and kids to work together on a certain sound or song. Thus interacting with other children will give them a chance to make friends and in turn, enhance their time in the hospital. Also, it assists kids outside a hospital to relate to their schoolmates.

Kids who learn to play a musical instrument or more so instruments have an opening for creativity and make their own choices, something which encourages self-expression. Music is a way for children to easily convey emotions they may feel too uneasy or unable to talk about. 

benefits music children inside pulse

An example of this is a jazz instrument known for tugging at the heartstrings. By understanding how to play an instrument, kids can communicate their feelings productively and healthily.