Impact Wrestling Emergence 2023 Spoilers Sees 1 Of 4 New Champions Crowned!

Impact Emergence 2023 had 4 featured championship matches.

Impact Wrestling reports.

…SUBCULTURE (Mark Andrews & Flash Morgan Webster) (c) w/ Dani Luna vs The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz) – IMPACT World Tag Team Championship
Webster hits Wentz with an inverted jumping senton. Miguel holds the ropes open, sending Webster crashing to the floor. Wentz distracts the referee as Miguel continues the attack on the outside. Wentz targets the arm of Webster as he locks in a submission. Miguel drives Webster spine-first into the hardest part of the ring with a back suplex. Back in the ring, Miguel hits a slingshot senton for two. The Rascalz can’t put Webster away and he creates separation to tag in Andrews. The pace quickens as Andrews hits Wentz with a back body drop before connecting with a double foot stomp on Miguel. SUBCULTURE takes to the skies as they wipe out both members of the Rascalz with aerial offense to the outside. Andrews hits an assisted sit-down slam on Miguel. Everybody is down after exchanging headbutts, followed by a pair of handspring kicks from the Rascalz. Andrews spikes Wentz with a running Destroyer. Wentz pulls Andrews off the apron as Webster inadvertently collides with his own partner. The Rascalz hit Hot Fire Flame off the ramp. Miguel blinds Andrews with spray paint but a brawl between ABC and The Good Hands has the referee distracted. Dani Luna takes out The Good Hands with a top rope crossbody. Webster hits Miguel with a top rope senton but it’s not enough. The Rascalz put Webster away with a double team top rope stomp score the pin and become the new IMPACT World Tag Team Champions.
The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz) def SUBCULTURE (Mark Andrews & Flash Morgan Webster) (c) w/ Dani Luna – NEW IMPACT World Tag Team Champions
Full results are here and congrats to the new champions.