Random Reality – American Idol – Final Two


Boo to Jordin and boo to America for kicking Melinda off. Sure, she was old-fashioned, but at least she was consistently good unlike Jordin. Anyways I know Blake would make and for all those people who thought it would be Jordin and Melinda in the finals, I will say “I told you so!”. It never has happened before and I don’t think it will ever happen. There can’t be two singers that sing the same songs in the same style in the finals. That’s boring. So we are left with Jordin and Blake. Who will win it all? They have to sing first…

Each contestant is singing three songs. They sing their favorite song from the show, a song they haven’t sung before, and, of course, the lame song they have to sing for the winner as picked by the winner of a songwriting contest. Surely it will better than last year’s song. On with the show.

Blake Lewis started us off by singing his favorite song from the show, “You Give Love a Bad Name” by Bon Jovi. This song showcased all of his skills and I thought it was a good choice. Randy liked the beatboxing, but not the singing. Paula’s comments don’t matter at this point. She says the same thing. Simon says that he is not the best singer, but definitely the best performer on this show. He pretty much agrees with Randy.

Jordin Sparks sings a song that we haven’t heard from her yet. It’s “Fighter” by Christina Aguliera. Oh, this song sucks. She started off on the wrong foot. Why are they trying to make her look like Katherine McPhee? Randy thinks she can sing, but not perform well. Paula is dumb. Not one of the best finales ever so far. Simon liked the song choice, but didn’t like the vocals at all. He’s definitely right. Round one goes to Blake for Simon. Tie for the others. HAHAHA!

Blake Lewis sings “She Will Be Loved” by Maroon Five next. I like this song choice as Maroon Five songs are his best songs. This was no expection. Randy loved the song and vocal without his beatboxing in it. Paula said he was relaxed and good. Simon thought it was good and safe, but not as good as the first performance. He didn’t think that performance made that much of an impact in the finals, though.

Jordin Sparks next sang “With a Broken Wing” by Martina McBride as her favorite. I will give her that it was a good song choice and I can hear what the judges say now. The problem with her singing is that she is good when she does the high notes, but sucks when it comes to low notes. Case in point with this song. Randy thought the vocal was flawless and better than the original. Simon thought it was really good, which is no suprise. Round two goes to Jordin, of course.

Blake Lewis was the first one to sing the song chosen for the winner. It’s called “This is My Now”. It’s like a poor-man’s version of “In a Moment Like This” that was chosen for Kelly Clarkson in Season 1. These songs are usually lame and this one is no exception. But Blake sang it pretty well at least. Randy said that song didn’t suit his voice, but he sung it well. Obviously we know who is going to win based on the song chosen for the winner. Simon thought it was odd, by the way.

Jordin Sparks finished us off by singing the same song, “This is My Now”. Of course, she better than Blake. It was written for her!!! This is what I hate this show sometimes. It’s so obvious, it’s not even funny. But like I said she won’t come near as close to Kelly Clarkson or Carrie Underwood success despite how much they shove her down our throats. She’s overrated and inconsistent. Oh, and she has to cry too! Let me throw up a little! But lets hear what the judges thought. Randy, Paula, and Simon think she will win. Imagine that!

No more standings as this is it. One person will win, while another will still win by getting a singing contract. So it really doesn’t matter at this point as winning proves nothing as you can see by looking at Rueben, Taylor, and Fantastia. All have been overshadowed by better singers who have sold more records from their same seasons. Who do I want to win? Well that’s Blake, of course. Anyone but Jordin. But I’m afraid that this year’s winner will be Jordin Sparks. Why? Her dad’s a football player. She relatively young. And they have pretty much been grooming her with her clothes and makeup to win for the last few weeks. Oh, and they pick a song for the winner that suits her 500 times more than Blake. Booooo! Lets hope she bombs out and proves to be the next Fantasia. Blake has a bright future as producer, though. See you next year for another FIXED result!

Sir Linksalot: American Idol

I'm not embarrassed to say that my favorite television show of all-time is The O.C. I live by the motto "you can't fight fate!" More importantly, I watch WAY too much television, but I do so for the benefit of everyone reading this now. So to my mom and my wife, I say thanks for reading! To everyone else that might stumble across this, remember TiVo should be your best friend!