Big Brother 17 Live Feed Spoilers: Daily Recap 07.07.2015

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Here’s a recap of everything important that went down of the Big Brother Live Feeds from 8:00 AM BBT on July 7th, all the way through 8:00 AM July 8th.

WARNING: Spoilers below (duh).

Houseguests begin to wake up for the day. They plan on interrogating Liz/Julia later on.

Audrey tells Shelli and Clay that based on her DR’s, it’s coming off as Clay in running Shelli’s HOH.

Da’Vonne and Jason begin referring to the twins as Helga/Liz and Cruella/Julia.

Clay, Shelli, and Vanessa have a talk about Audrey, and want to keep her around, but keep their distance.

James and Jeff think of questions for the meeting tonight, which will be guised as a podcast.

Da’Vonne pleads with James, trying to get a sympathy vote, as she actually only need 3 this week.

Houseguests agree to have the meting at 11 PM BBT. Shortly after, Liz says she’s not feeling well and may not make an appearance.

Steve tells Vanessa about the twins, and she laughs at it. She goes to the kitchen and just starts staring at the memory wall.

Da’Vonne asks Steve to vote for her to stay this week, but he says he doesn’t know how he feels yet. Da’Vonne says she already has four votes.

Da’Vonne, in an interesting move, tells Liz/Julia that people think they are twins. Liz freaks out, but also swears allegiance to Da’Vonne for telling her.

Podcast time. The hosts are Jeff and Austin, and they interview Becky, Liz, and Audrey, asking a long list of questions about their dating lives. Jeff specifically asked questions they knew about Liz already to see what the answers would be. At one point, they asked her twice if she had ever been on a bad date, to which she said no, despite the fact she’s told her bad date story a number of times. Most seem convinced now.

Most houseguests are in the backyard, and then most leave, leaving Steve alone with Da’Vonne. He gets worried and says he doesn’t want to talk game, and Da’Vonne breaks down saying all she wanted was to play pool and runs off crying.

Jason consoles her, and they discuss which three votes to nullify. Jason suggests Jackie, Becky, and Audrey. Da’Vonne says Jackie an Becky are getting nullified for sure. Then Jason realizes they shouldn’t nullify Audrey, because of the swing vote last week, Audrey may pull it again.

Shelli and Clay are also convinced Audrey is America’s player or something, and must go.

Be sure to check back for more recaps here on Inside Pulse.