'Big Brother 6' Spoiler : Pinata PoV Comp Results


Quick and dirty details, since I know you like it that way…
Partners: James & Ivette, Sarah & April, Howie & Rachel.
Competition: Apparently the way the game was set up, there could have been no winner but, they screwed up. It seems everyone was put into separate parts of the house then sent out side to load up peoples pinatas. If you went over a certain amount, you lose. Howie went with the right idea to load up James and Sarah’s. Everyone else seemed more concerned about trying to win the veto rather than preventing them from winning.
Winner: James

James and Sarah congratulate themselves on a job well done, and talk about Sarah going home. They are both very smug, and happy with themselves. Sarah worries about her finances, and having to ask her parents for money when she gets home. James doesn’t seem to console her at all, telling her that she needs to find a job soon. Sarah asks him that if he gets HoH next week, not to put up Rachel and Howie, but to stick to the original plan..to their original deal. “I don’t want to be seen as one of those people. You did nothing wrong.”

Back in the HoH room, Rachel tries to calm April, Ivette, Maggie, and Howie. “First of all, don’t worry about it. I had a feeling he was going to win.” Although James has said that he would use the PoV on Sarah, they don’t believe him. Reminding them that someone is coming back to the house next week, Rachel notes that if Eric comes back, Eric will go after James. If James gets HoH next week, he will have to decide who he hates more, Eric, or Howie & Rachel.

When Ivette notes that the people in the HoH need to play as a team, Howie agrees. That it doesn’t matter who wins HoH next week, they all need to come together and prevent James from winning. It seems, for now, that this new alliance will make the week. Ivette reminds them, “You know, if Kaysar comes back, he is screwed, and if Michael comes back he is screwed and if Cappy comes back he is DONE!”

Howie discusses the plan for the PoV ceremony: when Howie gets to the point where he tells the name of the new person to put up, all will volunteer. That way, James sees that the entire house is against him. Howie asks Beau to go up as the decoy, saying, “Do it for Cappy.”