Daniels At The World Series Of Beer Pong VI


Haven’t checked out the first the few columns? Make sure to keep up by checking out Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, and Part Five.

1/5/06: 12:34 pm – WSOBP VI

Well, that was quick. Two rounds and the Lumberjacks are retired. We lost both games by two cups. My partner and I decided to be stone cold for the first half of the day, which translated into a quick defeat for us. Neither of the teams we played against came out on fire, but they were able to sink the cups quicker than we were. The second game was about the same as the first. There was just nothing there. Both of us were on point, but bricked out most everything we threw. We we’re given plenty of chances to close the game out, but there was nothing there.

My friends, on the other hand, were fired up and ready to work. The first game they ruined the team they played against. The second game they were introduced to the WSOBP redemption rules introduced for tournament play. Redemption rules are as follows. If you have one cup remaining, and only one person on the opposing team hits it, you get a chance to hit all remaining cups left, but you have to run the table. If there’s four left on the other end, your team has to hit all four in four shots to force into a 3 cup over time. Same rules apply. My fellow upstaters won that game in double overtime.

As of right now, the top seeded teams are not faring well. One team finished yesterday at 11-0. They are already in the losers bracket. They are not dealing well with being rooted against. They played one of the teams in the Wisconsin crew and had to deal with the rest of the Wisconsin crew in their faces. After the game, he uttered the first, and really only, dick line of the entire tournament. “Give me you and your two toughest boys and I’ll mess all you up.” You always know you’re dealing with a real salt of the Earth type when you hear that. Built like a brick shithouse and being a stereotypical dick about it. Who’d a thunk it?

Anyway, so far no one is standing out as a full on “these guys are going to run through this thing.” We’re standing on the sidelines rooting on the IronWizards.