Remote Destination


Stuff @ the Start

Tardy Announcement – You should be well aware that InsidePulse is undergoing a revamp. And with this revamp there are some things changing. First is the departure of columns, for the most part. Zones are also both expanding that narrowing. I’ll be writing for Primetime Pulse, which is great because there won’t be any of crappy “reality” TV being covered at all. But since I’ll be sans a column things will be different. I’ll go on about that later.

Basically look forward to some exciting new things on the horizon.

MI-5? – You cannot imagine my excitement about hearing the MI-5 has a new (to me) season on A&E. Search my archive and you’ll find me talking about how I caught episodes Monday morning at 4am on A&E. I love this show. I’m so glad that I’m getting a chance for more.

What I Watched Last Week

Justice – Boo. I’m tired of innocent folks. I’d much rather see the moral conflict (presuming there is some) with providing the defense to a guilty man. And the writers are kind or reaching with how the firm gets the clients. Last week it was pro bono (for the media rights) and this week it’s because the guy worked for a client? It looks like the writers have painted themselves into a corner making the firm that powerful and successful. And didn’t the ending kind of come out of left field? This show is treading on thin ice with me.

Life on Mars – Wow, what a gripping season finale. I mean I really felt for Sam. The revelation about his father was quite the tough pill to swallow. And seeing Sam struggle with that reality was powerful. It was sad, but great to watch. I really can’t wait to see how things are next season.

Weeds – Very good episode. I really liked Peter’s reaction to Nancy’s subtle request to take out the competition. I completely believed that he would feel kind of used about the whole situation. That was so real to me. I also dug how Silas was played as the victim and then the aggressor. That was so well handled.

I am glad that Shane blabbed about the whole “happy ending”, and while the scene with Andy and the principal was funny, it seemed a bit too “sitcomy” for me. But the reality that Peter did take out Nancy’s competition was pretty good. Had he not reacted differently when it was proposed to him, it would have seemed like a cheap out. But given his initial reaction, it seemed like he thought it over and weighed his options.

Brotherhood – Two months ago, this would have been the show of the week. Hell, two weeks ago it would have been the show of the week. This episode was so well constructed and written and acted. It was amazing.

Clearly parallels could be drawn between this episode and 9/11. Two catastrophic events occur, that affect communities on various levels. It was a poignant episode that still advanced the storyline while taking a moment for a non-conventional story.

Two scenes really stood out for me; Dec and his partner slowly realizing how far reaching this event is, when it disrupts their routine, and Eileen facing the death of her affair partner and having to remain composed because she’s in the company of Michael. I give credit to the writers for crafting these scenarios, but the actors all did such excellent jobs of capturing those characters at such difficult times. This was a truly great episode.

Greatest Show Ever…this week The Wire (HBO)

Last week I had to keep tight lipped because I was supposed to do a piece on The Wire for the preview of Primetime Pulse.

Anyway, this week’s episode rocked. Along with getting reacquainted with Bubbles and Clay Davis we also get a cameo by Wee-Bey. Clearly the showdown between Michael and Marlo is going to come into play at some point. It was also cool to see Prez still has his love for Johnny Cash.

But this show was by far the best of the week because it illustrated three great things a) it showed how drug dealer earn loyalty, b) it showed how cops lose respect from those they’re supposed to protect and c) it showed how urban males are using “they all look alike” to their advantage.

And I loved how the writers put the same line of dialogue into both the mouths of State Senator Clay Davis and the hopper Namond. What a great show.

Your Daughter’s Education

Last week I posed the following scenario;

Good news; your daughter has been accepted to a prestigious school. Bad news; the school is in New York. Good news; you don’t have to worry about any not so nice elements. Bad news; the school is going to be tough. Maybe it’s got a grueling demanding schedule. Perhaps it’s an all girl’s institution. Maybe it’s got amazing teacher who take no guff. Who knows? The point is the school is going to get your daughter into any college she wants. Good news; she’s going to get a great education. Bad news; you’re going to have to pay for it.

So would you rather have your daughter attending Eastland Academy (Facts of Life) or New York City High School for the Performing Arts (Fame)?

Captain Spaulding has but one regret;

Ok, this week is easy so it may be short. My daughter would certainly end up at the NYC High School for the Performing Arts.

Think about it, if she went on Facts of Life, she’d be at an all girls school with the creepy handyman (you know he’s lurking somewhere). And then in time have to deal with the red-haired kid who showed up and then with George Clooney. Sure, they came in a lot later on…with the store and all, but still you’d have to put up with Jo the entire time. And you KNOW she is just looking for fresh young girl meat to get her greasy hands on!

In FAME, your daughter will learn some great talents and possibly make her way onto a promising career early on. And any guys she’ll encounter at this school aren’t interested in playing for her team anyway!:)

Simple enough…where my daughter is safe from guy (or Jo) grubbing hands is where she’ll go. Although I do regret she won’t ever get to hear Mrs. Garrett’s famed “girls Girls GIRLS!”

IPTV’s own Kevin Wong wants his daughter to learn the Facts of Life;

My real answer would be that there is no possible way that my daughter would end up with any sort of “talent” for the performing arts (unless sarcasm is that sort of talent) so barring any greased palms (and to be fair that could happen at either place) I’d go with Eastland Academy.

Pitkita is astutely observant;

I thought the Fame school was a public school, so it would only cost me my tax money. This would be great, but I’d have to go to how many recitals, musicals, plays, concerts, etc…ALL of which my daughter would happen to be in despite the fact that she might be the female equivalent of Dwight (big fat white kid…I think he played the tuba, had a huge crush on Lori Singer’s character…not that my daughter would be a lesbo, but who knows). Forget that…I’m too tired when I get home from work. Plus, if she started dancing on people’s cars during class time, I’d haul her butt out of that school so fast it would make Linda Blair’s head spin.

So I guess I would say Eastland. Only problem is that I could probably only afford to send her there for one year, which seemed to be the norm for that school.

Thomasina wants to live forever;

What can I say but Leroy!Leroy!Leroy! Fame all the way. Then my daughter can so christen me, “Best Mom ever!” I gotta look out for my girl here.

As for me, I guess I’d have to go for NYCHSFTPA the Fame school. I always to hang out with the drama kids in high school, so I’d hope that my daughter would have some gifts, though preferably not as drama queen. And yeah, I know that Fame costs, but really don’t you wish you could pay every bill in sweat?

Naturally this brings us to…

Good News/Bad News/Question of the Week

Good news; I’ll still be writing about TV. Bad news; it’ll be without a column. Good news; I want to keep doing this feature. Bad news; while I try to reconfigure things it’ll be going on hiatus. Good news; I’m committed to brining it back. Bad news; I can’t quite figure out how it’ll work. Maybe it’ll be a “forum only” type thing. Perhaps it’ll be it’s own separate entity. Who knows? The point is I enjoy it and I want to keep it.

So, with that in mind; don’t fret Good News/Bad News/Question of the Week will return shortly.


Matt says “farewell.”

Kevin ends on a high note.

Josh bid “adieu.”

Pills for Joe (Reid)

Joe was very busy on his blog Low Resolution. He wraps up his Actress Face-Off, predicts the Oscars®, gives props to ABC Family and he also suggests Ten Creative Ways for Matthew McConaughey to Take His Shirt Off In Public. Have I ever mentioned how much I love Joe Reid?

And that’s a wrap. It’s been fun. I really do hope that you’ll join me in the next shape that Remote Destination takes.
