Jarrett Talks Video Games, D’Amore Talks Angle and YOU Can Talk with TNA Stars


IGN.com has an interview with Jeff Jarrett where he talks about the TNA video game and more. Here are some notable excerpts:

I’ve been in the wrestling business my whole life, and back when I was in my first videogame over ten years ago, videogames were done on a different level and for different reasons … But with the evolution of technology and the evolution of our business, teaming with Midway I think we all have the same mindset. Our product, our brand of wrestling fits a videogame better than any other form of wrestling. From our X-Division to our signature matches, just the whole gaming nation, a whole generation of people out there are going to experience TNA for the first time, so we’re really looking to do some creative, innovative things with our game. We know that this is such a competitive industry, but we really want the videogame to mirror what TNA’s about, and that’s innovation. From the Ultimate X match to King of the Mountain to Six Sides of Steel, we really try to be innovative and in front of the curve, and that’s really what we want to do with the game. Years ago, other companies I worked for, the videogame was an afterthought. To TNA, we realize how big the industry is and want the videogame to be very well respected and accepted throughout the industry.

My favorite TNA match would have to be the first Ultimate X. All of our signature matches, our X-Division signature match is the Ultimate X, our heavyweight division signature match is King of the Mountain, then the Six Sides of Steel is the signature for our tag division, and the first ones for all of those signature matches really became standard barriers for the company. Each of those nights when we had our first ones, it became something that TNA became proud of.

(Answering a question about whether or not “fans run the storylines”) They do but they don’t. That’s what’s so unique about our business, it’s built off of fan reaction, but there’s also this magic to it that’s unique, and no matter how far the curtain is pulled back, it’s still a very unique business.

Scott D’Amore’s latest column talks about a match he had with Kurt Angle back in 1999, well before Angle’s WWF debut. Next week’s will be on his match with Samoa Joe. You can read the piece here.

Also on TNAWrestling.com, the following news was announced today:

By Bill Banks

This Monday night, November 6, TNA Wrestling returns to Orlando at Universal Studios for the “iMPACT!” on SpikeTV tapings! TNA would like to invite all of our fans in the Florida area to join us and be a part of history as the special two-hour primetime debut broadcast will be filmed! The night will also feature a special “TNA Primetime Party” as well as a live webcam courtesy of SpikeTV.com!

On Monday, November 6th, SpikeTV.com gives you the chance to talk to your favorite TNA wrestlers LIVE via webcam! All you need is a broadband connection and a webcam. To apply to be a guest, send and email to editor@spiketv.com and tell us:
– Why you want to be part of the show (2 sentences or less).
– What type of webcam and broadband connection you have.
– What your basic computer specs are (make, processor, RAM).
– Your phone contact information.
Also, attach a photo of yourself taken with your webcam. You must be available between 12PM and 6PM EST on Monday, November 6th. If chosen, we will be in touch.

To celebrate TNA’s move to primetime, there will be a special “Primetime Party” throughout the event this Monday at Universal Studios! We’ll be giving away a ton of free merchandise, including video games courtesy of Midway, as well as several TNA stars taking part in autograph sessions with the fans in attendance! TNAwrestling.com will post more information on the special celebration in the coming days!

Matthew Michaels is editor emeritus of Pulse Wrestling, and has been since the site launched.