Moments Ago: Who is the Next Ring of Honor Star to Make it on a National Stage

Columns, News

Ring of Honor has produced some names that have become well known to the casual wrestling fan. AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, and Samoa Joe are well known competitors to anyone who follows TNA. CM Punk is about the only successful Extremist, especially those that were in no way part of the original ECW. Ring of Honor has lots of stars that stand a good to great chance of making it to the next level, whether it is getting signed by WWE coming to prominence in TNA, or the off chance that WSX will be successful. Before we get to that however, let’s take a look at the current world in Ring of Honor.

Ring of Honor News

The biggest news from Ring of Honor is the impeachment of commissioner James E. Cornette. Ring of Honor’s show in Philadelphia this past Saturday was the lost straw during Cornette’s rapid descent into inanity. RoH revealed via their website that problems with Cornette began after the 10/28 show. Cornette had repeatedly been allowing his vendetta with Homicide get in the way of his personal decisions. His sole focus was on Homicide and issues like the Kings of Wrestling’s abuse of the tag team titles were not a priority.

Cornette was ousted after involvement from Konnan on behalf of Homicide. Ties are now severed between the Cornette and Ring of Honor and Cornette is not expected on any future shows. It is now secret that Cornette’s health has been an issue, and he is in desparate need of time off. Cornette’s TNA schedule will also become lighter due to some personal issues that need address.

Other big news in RoH, November 4th marked the end of the toilet paper showers for Jimmy Rave. Rave is looking to begin a new chapter in his career after the demise of the Embassy and Ring of Honor is looking to help him do that by banning toilet paper at the shows.

The toilet paper gag while a great visual had run its course anyway. People began going overboard with it throwing far too much TP and throwing it almost during the match. I for one will not be sad to see the toilet paper go, but it will be interesting to see what will happen next for Jimmy Rave.

Ring of Honor Results

Ring of Honor made their triumphant return to Boston over the weekend and on paper the show looked to be another must see event.

In the opener Nigel McGuinness defeated a returning John Walters, who is from the Boston area. This is most likely a one shot deal, but I would not mind seeing more from Walters in the future.

In a SHIMMER Women Athletes Daizee Haze was defeated by Mercedes Martinez, Chris Daniels and Matt Sydal earned tag team title shots by beating Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli respectively.

Steve Corino and the Briscoes beat Homicide, Samoa Joe and BJ Whitmer in a six man war. Colt Cabana defeated Jimmy Rave, American Dragon was successful in his only title defense of November against Delirious and KENTA and Davey Richards fell to the former tag team champions Austin Aries and Roderick Strong in the main event.

You can find a more detailed review of the Philadelphia show here. Here is a quick recap of the results anyway.

Christopher Daniels beat Matt Cross in the opener and was attacked by the Kings of Wrestling. Jim Cornette was out next and attempted to change the rules of the main event to screw Homicide. This led to Ricky Reyes defeating Shane Hagadorn. Pelle Primeau got a huge win in a four corner survival match taking on BJ Whitmer, Colt Cabana and Tank Tolland who he upended for the fall. Primeau celebrated with his now trademark crowd surfing. Samoa Joe and Nigel McGuinness defeated Ring of Honor of World Champion “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson and Jimmy Rave when Rave was pinned by McGuinness. The Briscoes beat the team of Davey Richards and Delirious, Austin Aries and Roderick Strong were disqualified in their bid to regain the tag titles from the Kings of Wrestling. KENTA beat Matt Sydal in his farewell match in one of Sydal’s best showings to date. In the main event Homicide won the Fight without Honor against Steve Corino. Afterwards Corino had his head shaved to signify the end of the feud.

Who is the Next Ring of Honor Star to Make it on a National Stage

Ring of Honor is, in my opinion, the most talented in ring roster in the United States today. It is only a matter of time before stars will be made from its stellar lineup. Samoa Joe, Chris Daniels, AJ Styles, and CM Punk have already come into prominence in the wrestling world so the question, so often asked by Goldberg, “Who’s Next?”

The first person to look at in my opinion is Colt Cabana. If ever there was an athlete who has “Can’t Miss” written all over him, it is the man from Maxwell Street. He has charisma that is virtually unmatched on the indies and even in WWE and TNA. He can deliver serious and funny promos and would certainly bring back quality catch phrases were the WWE to finally give him a chance.

Colt is also raising his national profile by competing in Wrestling Society X. If WSX is successful, Colt will be one of its biggest stars.

Also competing in WSX from the RoH roster are Jack Evans, Matt Sydal and Jimmy Jacobs. All three may be too small to compete effectively in the WWE, but Evans is one of the most spectacular high flyers to ever grace a wrestling ring. He also has an odd cocky charisma that would certainly endear himself to the WWE fanbase. Matt Sydal may be lacking in the charisma department but he is awesome in the ring and definitely has the plucky underdog quality that could give him some fans if exposed on a more national stage. Jimmy Jacobs may be the least likely to hit the big time from these three. He has a gimmick that is certainly over in Ring of Honor, but I doubt the WWE would put the time and effort to allow him to get over. It would be a great thing if he did because he is one of the more versatile wrestlers on the indies right now. He is believable flying, wrestling on the mat and can even bring a bit of the old ultraviolence if necessary.

Claudio Castagnoli has recently signed a developmental deal to compete in Deep South Wrestling and he has the skills and more importantly the size to succeed on an international level. His in ring style would not be hampered too much by the WWE, he could still bring his arsenal of European Uppercuts, armdrags, and submissions.

On the current Ring of Honor roster the best prospect not getting exposure elsewhere is easily “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson. He would need to be in a place that respects his skills to really shine though. That might happen in TNA, but WWE would probably miss the boat and he would be just another anonymous cruiserweight. Hopefully his unbelievable in ring ability would outshine the likely chance of WWE not using him properly, but my hopes are not optimistic.

Of these athletes, Matt Sydal, Jimmy Jacobs, Colt Cabana, Jach Evans, Claudio Castagnoli or Bryan Danielson, I think it is Cabana that has the best shot. All five men have huge upsides and would brighten up television on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays or Fridays wherever they should fall.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns or would like to weigh in on who you think could become stars on the national stage feel free to e-mail me at

I’ll see you next time”¦