The Mark In Me: What is Wrong With WWE?


WWE is awful right now. Everyone knows it is, yet we all continue to watch, and we all continue to gossip in the IWC. After watching the last 2-3 weeks of programming, I think I finally pinpointed some of the major problems WWE has right now.

  • Too confusing
    • The week of Survivor Series, wrestlers from all 3 brands were on different shows.
    • Exactly which brand does Khali belong to right now? I’ve seen him on all 3 in the past few weeks.
    • The ECW/SD working relationship puts ECW guys on SD and SD guys on ECW. Also leading to ECW guys becoming the WWE Tag Team Champions on SD.
    • Unexplained brand jumps (Hardcore Holly 2x now, Hornswoggle (although, that is sort of obvious), Super Crazy, Great Khali, Daivari, Shannon Moore, Shelton Benjamin and most recently Ric Flair are all examples of this)

    How is WWE going to get any new viewers? All of us know better. We know that Miz & Morrison are actually ECW wrestlers, but anyone who is just starting to watch WWE might wonder ‘Gee, why are these ECW guys on SD…and why did do they get a Tag Title shot, even though they have not teamed together before?’ If you say that they should just listen to what is going on, you have to remember that most people are morons, and don’t pay attention to details. I have plenty of friends who are casual fans of wrestling, and the question I have to answer the most is ‘Why is BlahBlah on Show A, when he is supposed to be on Show B?’ If you want 3 different Brands, have 3 COMPLETELY different rosters. Sure, do a draft yearly, or even bi-yearly, and do some ‘trades’, but just let them stick to their show.

  • Too many ‘unstoppable monsters’
    • Kane
    • Mark Henry
    • Umaga
    • Big Daddy V
    • Snistky
    • Great Khali

    How many is enough? I can see maybe 1 per brand, but even that is too much. And really, what do Viserca, Snistky, & Henry really bring to the table? And who does this hurt the most? The answer to the final question is Kane & Umaga. These 2 easily have the best Monster Gimmick. And I really feel bad for Kane. He’s done job after job, and when he finally starts to get some momentum, Edge gets hurt, and their program is dropped, with Khali/Batista taking over. Also, why even bother re-signing Mark Henry? Anyone else find it crazy that he has been getting a WWE paycheck for over 10 years?

  • The Raw Curse
    • Carlito
    • Shelton Benjamin
    • Hurricane Helms
    • Tajiri
    • King Booker
    • Johnny Nitro
    • London & Kendrick

    The above list is guys that who were talented, or highly pushed guys on SD, that were moved to Raw, and basically just vanished. Carlito was on the path to being one of the top guys on SD, quicker then even Cena, but they moved his awesome character over to Raw, and, albeit after a bit of a push as a IC champ & a WWE Title contender in the Elimination Chamber, has done nothing. Johnny Nitro was in the best new Tag Team to come to WWE in years, and after a premature split (behind the scene reasons or not, it was premature), they moved him to Raw, hot shot him to the IC Title, but then just gave up on him. You realize that he has never wrestled at a WrestleMania? They just squashed Booker in HHH’s return, and then let him go without a fight to TNA. Hurricane was the center of the CW division on SD, moved to Raw to a low card Tag Team (who only had the titles because there was no one else to hold them), then moved back to SD as the CW champion before he got hurt. Where the hell have London & Kendrick been? I think you get the idea. Who is next? Snitsky, to a very lesser degree…as he wasn’t much before he came back to Raw, but was pushed as a killer on ECW. How about Kennedy? Sure, he’s pretty hot now, but what about in a year? Will they give up on him too? How about MVP, CM Punk, Elijah Burke, or Finlay? It’s only a matter of time until any one of them comes to Raw to slip through the cracks. If it wasn’t for the high demographic of Hispanic viewers watching SD, don’t you think they would have moved Mysterio by now? I also feel the need to point out that Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle, Edge, RVD, and Eddie Guerrero were all better Superstars on SD/ECW then they were on Raw.

  • Where did all the Tag Teams go?
    • Cade & Murdoch
    • Highlanders
    • London & Kendrick
    • The Majors Brothers
    • Deuce & Domino
    • Jesse & Festus

    That is it…that’s all of the tag teams WWE has on all 3 of their rosters at the present time. TNA has more then that on their single roster. There used to be a time where Tag Teams went on to mean one of two things. Either one of the 2 wrestlers would go on to be bigger stars (Bret Hart, HBK and so on), or they would be a legendary tag team together (LOD, Demolition, Dudley Boyz, and so on). Out of all of the current WWE tag teams, which falls under either of those? NONE! Because they are no longer booking a logical Tag Team division, they are shoving new guys out their on their own, hoping they succeed.

    These are, in my opinion, the four biggest problems in the WWE today. I always try to find the silver lining in wrestling, even when it is really bad, but right now, I do not think there is one thing going on right now that is really good (except for the postponed Matt Hardy/MVP angle). This is the worst time to be a wrestling fan, with all the problems with steroids and other performance enhancers. So why does it seem like WWE is going out of their way to suck?

  • I like Comics, Wrestling, Super Mario Bros & Dead Space. Oh ya, and Scott Pilgrim.