More on Umaga, Mark Henry, Boogeyman & One Night Stand


Brian Gerwitz is pushing hard to keep Umaga on Raw. Umaga has for some time been due for a switch to Smackdown and a title feud with The Undertaker.

Mark Henry has been experiencing a backlash of sorts from some within WWE over his part in Michael Hayes being suspended. The feeling amongst some is that he violated a code as word of the story got out and it hurt the business, plus Hayes is still well-liked backstage whilst Henry has heat from his continued push despite lack of accomplishment.

This year’s One Night Stand will have all matches contested under Extreme Rules. It is of course a way to get the WWE event to harken back to the ECW tone of the first year without having to rely on the diluted ECW brand name.

The Boogeyman has gotten himself some brand new front teeth. They were knocked out three years ago during a training accident in OVW.

Another three-hour episode of Raw is scheduled for 23 June. The episode for the 16th will be taped on the 9th, after the regular show, in Oakland, since they are going to be on an international tour the following week. Smackdown will be taped for both weeks on the 8th in San Jose.

Credit: Wrestling Observer Newsletter, 05 May 2008 (subscribe here)