Missing Links on WWE Mobile Videos, Legends Video Game, JR’s Blog, Kurt Angle & More


Chris Robinson at EmpireHardcore.com sent along this item: Kurt Angle is on the cover of the new album by metal band, Emmure. They did a whole photo shoot with him and the video for it is up on their myspace page, myspace.com/emmure. I didn’t know Kurt was into metal!

If you’re wondering, Torrie Wilson’s Web site reports that she asked for her recent WWE release. She’s been hurt for quite a while, so this wasn’t surprising news.

Jim Ross has posted two new updates to his blog. In the first one, he writes a lot about Owen Hart, who would have turned 43 this week. An excerpt:

Announcing to the world that Owen had died on a pay per view broadcast having about 30 seconds to collect my thoughts before going live to the world was one of the hardest things I have ever been instructed to do. Since then, when we have moments on Raw where the announcers have to lower our tone to embellish a particular moment and when fans or pundits refer to it as “the same tones the announcers used when Owen died” it pisses me off. No one in Internet land or sitting at home can ever put themselves in our shoes the night that tragedy occurred. My mindset and where my heart was on that night in Kansas City is far away from any place I have been since in the wrestling business. I saw a fellow the other day at an event that used to pick Owen up at the airport in a particular town, drive Owen around for free and allow the game’s greatest ribber to stay at the guy’s home just to be around Owen because Owen made every one he was around smile. Of course, Owen was saving money on rental cars and hotels so, as usual, Owen got the last laugh. :) Owen Hart deserves to go into the WWE Hall of Fame but unfortunately I feel that his widow Martha would never cooperate with such a thing which is unfortunate especially for Owen’s children who would see so many people demonstrate their love of their dad.

He also writes about The Rock, the new WWE video game (and the upcoming WWE Legends video game, in which he wants to pit Jerry Lawler vs. his cousin, Honkeytonk Man!) and more.

In his second post, he opines about Torrie Wilson’s release, Gregory Helms doing the right thing during a recently-publicized bar incident, Floyd Mayweather’s Mania payoff, Sonya Van Dam and Kurt Angle’s health, Bobby Lashley vs. Brock Lesnar in an MMA fight, and makes an interesting comment about the IWC: “I recently read where wrestling websites exist solely on the back of the WWE, which I find perplexing. I don’t necessarily agree with that assessment, but everyone has a right to their opinion. Without the WWE there is lots of other wrestling to cover globally, not to mention the ever growing mixed martial arts biz.”

Apparently, The Great Khali has gotten a promotion by the Indian police department he’s been on leave from.

WWE.com has announced that “Santino’s Casa” and “The Dirt Sheet” with John Morrison & The Miz are now available on mobile phones.

There’s a story on Morrison here.

A good interview with Hillbilly Jim is up over at SLAM! Wrestling.

Scott Steiner is interviewed by the Baltimore Sun, leading into his title shot at TNA’s Sacrifice PPV tomorrow.

Matthew Michaels is editor emeritus of Pulse Wrestling, and has been since the site launched.