ROH News on Kenny Omega, Age of The Fall & Sweet & Sour


Kenny Omega is a guy that has been getting some positive build around the IWC. He has been granted a chance to make an impression in ROH on 7/25 in Toronto and 7/26 in Detroit. His first match will be against Delirious in Toronto.

Signed for Chicago on August 16th, El Generico will go up against ROH World Tag Team Champion Tyler Black in singles competition. Should Generico pull off a victory, it may very well lead to a title shot for Generico & Steen.

Finally announced for Cleveland, Roderick Strong & Brent Albright will team up to face Go Shiozaki & Chris Hero of Sweet & Sour Inc. with Larry Sweeney. There is some definite bad blood on the side of Strong & Albright and I think they hope to work some way to get their grasps on Larry Sweeney.