Comic Capsule Reviews 8/12/2009

Capsules, Reviews

A good week of reads for me. But I need to get back to the shop I left without picking up Pet Avengers and Doom Patrol!!!

I hate when I do that. Now on to the reviews!!!

Amazing Spider-man #602 (Van Lente, Kitson/Marvel Comics/$2.99):  Let me start off by saying this issue has a great cover. A sexy painting of a very leggy (yum!) Mary Jane leaning on a scooter. The interior art by Kitson is good enough. He is very straightforward yet unremarkable. But certainly capable. Van Lente does a very good job introducing the new arc. Looks like Chameleon is back and setting up for a domestic act of terrorism. I really love the use of Peter and his new job at City Hall for his brother-in-law the Mayor J. Jonah Jameson. The dialogue really works and its fun read. I think the end cliffhanger is a bit much. Come on. We are supposed to believe Spidey is done in tied to chair and drowned in acid. What are the chances of that? Nice developments with Harry and Mary Jane who is probably sticking around for a while. At least she’ll probably finally get to meet up with Peter…or some one who at least looks like Pete. 7.5 Out of 10


Adventure Comics #1 (Johns, Manapul. Henry/DC Comics/$3.99):  Ever since I have heard that Legion was going to be a co-feature in this I have been eagerly awaiting its release. You see I have never been a fan of Superboy II. Conner in his black T-shirt and jeans never did it for me; to be honest, even going back to Reign of the Superman I hated the character. But after Johns started getting his hands on him and especially after reading Legion of Three Worlds I started to get more and more interested. At least he was tolerable. After reading this comic I am a fan. He has character. And I love how quickly Johns gives him a voice through the narrative and cleverly gives us clues about him dealing with his nature through his diary. He is after made up of the Ying/Yang of the DC universe. Supes and Lex. Great to see Conner in Smallville and also establishing old ties, and we even get introduced to some new friends and get a visit by Supes himself. Conner and Supes have a nice conversation. The art is first class. I may not have appreciated Manapul’s previous work. But darn it this is beautiful his lines and energy complimented beautifully by the “Superman for all Seasons” painting style makes this comic an artistic gem. I especially love Manapul’s take on Krypto. Now to the Legion of Superheroes Co-feature. Johns quickly reintroduces the Legion concept and the members. Although there is a name/power synopsis mix up on the two page team splash. They mixed up night Girl and Shadow Lass. Oh well. Obviously something is brewing for the Legion on the 21rst Century and the teaser page was great. Johns really has me chomping on the bit here. I am sure all long time Legion fans are. I really wonder who the GL will be, has to be an existing character. I nailed the big bad for Blackest Night when the event was announced and I am going on record and saying the New GL will be Tenzil Kem. You heard it here first. Perfect art selection. Clayton Henry brings a great clean open line and clear storytelling. If you remember Chris Sprouse’s art on Legionnaires it’s got that vibe. Great job al the way around. 9.5 Out of 10


Ultimate Avengers #1 (Millar, Pacheco/Marvel Comics/$3.99):  this book was ultimate action. Millar is back. These are his babies and he does ‘em right. From the opening the book starts off with great drama in the dialogue as Fury is recruited (talk about role reversal) to help the Ultimates (heh! Yeah that’s right! ULTIMATES!) Track down and capture Cap. Who was probably pushed over the edge being introduced to his Skinhead son the Red Skull who just burglarized the Baxter Building and then getting his butt kicked and leisurely thrown out a helicopter. Any way the action is off the chain. And Millar chooses the right economy of words to great effect and lets the high octane action speak for itself. I have to admit looking at the issue again, I miss Hitch. But at the same time I have to give Pacheco props for really turning the action dial past 10. I mean once it gets going its non-stop and flawless in its choreography. Really mind blowing. The last page though is a little wonky. Not the best splash page of a face. But all is forgiven, because the issue is that damn good. I am so happy to see Millar back in the driver’s seat, Ultimates was great fun and this looks to be just as good. 9 Out of 10

Blackest Night: Batman #1 (Tomasi, Syaf/DC Comics/$2.99):  Not sure what possessed me to buy this. I know I promised myself I wasn’t going to buy the BN minis. But it was in my stack and I decided to go with it. It was probably Deadman that did it. Having it written by Tomasi didn’t hurt either. And it’s written quite well. Tomasi does a swell job bringing the Bat-verse into Blackest Night. Really nice dialogue and tone for the new Dynamic Duo, and I love the use of Deadman and his attempts to get their attention and explain what he sees happening around him. The bit with his Black Lantern self was interesting. Lots of dead bodies in graveyards in Gotham and in the closets of Bat’s family of characters. This should get very interesting. Especially when you think the Bat-family is the least equipped to combat armies of undead Lanterns. I was very turned off by the art. Syaf isn’t horrible, but derivative to a fault. And it was a bit distracting. Also the page layouts are some times off, unfortunately the story was not hindered at all and Syaf manages to catch all the necessary dramatic and action beats well enough. Great cover though by Andy Kubert. 8 out of 10


Incredible Hercules #132 (Pak, Van Lente, Brown/Marvel Comics/$2.99):  I am tempted to give this book a 10 for the Origin of Thor on the first page as told by Hercules. Hilarious. The whole issue is a riot. Great funny dialogue. I love the bits between Herc and the pubescent Zeus. Who actually proved useful and interesting throughout the issue. So it seems Hercules gets tricked into some adventure and pretends to be Thor to do the biddings of Malekith’s (from Simonson’s Thor run) bidding and possibly take out a super sexy rival. This is great read. I can’t say it enough Pak and van Lente have a established a great thing here with Herc. Fun, funny, action packed with real dramatic and mythic elements thrown in. you don’t want to miss it. And Hercules pretending to be Thor to take on the Dark Elves is possibly going to be the best of the bunch. The art is wonderful. Brown really captures the humor with great expression and gesture. And never sacrifices the storytelling at all. This book has been fortunate to have great art talent on every arc. 8.5 Out of 10

Green Lantern Corps #39 (Tomasi, Gleason/DC Comics/$2.99):  Reading this I am convinced Tomasi damn near the best in comics at handling not only tons of characters but giving enough space to plots. It is literally amazing that you don’t get lost jumping from point to point as you are given an update on the different story elements that have been going on. I love that Tomasi touches on the recent trip to Earth and thoughts of Kyle and guy. Really building on their relationship as the return to Oa only to find it under siege by the Black rings. Which descend on the GL morgue and after cleaning up one mess (the recent jail break on OA) the GLs find themselves facing an army of Black Lanterns  made up of their fallen comrades. You also get to see recent happenings on Daxam (those guys are a$$holes!) and Mongul establishing a new base of operations on Korugar. Which I am sure is gonna eventually lead him head on with Sinestro. I wonder why the interlude with Kryb? Will he some how play an important role in Blackest Night? The art is flawless. I can’t say enough good things about Gleason. He really nails Tomasi’s scripts. They are one of those rare perfect pairings in comics. You almost can’t picture another artist on the title. Gleason draws the best Mongul ever and really does some crazy angles and foreshortening. 9 out of 10

Blackest Night #2 (Johns, Reis/DC Comics/$3.99):  Bet you never would have believed Aquaman could be this scary under any circumstances. The Horror and action take center stage as the Black Lanterns claim Aqualad (tempest was always stupid to me!) in a great dramatic Aquaman sequence. Mera better keep running. Johns really flips the book on the head by throwing a monkey wrentch in the magicians ability to confront the big bad of this Crisis by drafting the Spectre. Who seems to have a jones for Hal (Hal was the Spectre for a while for the noobs.). Johns really did a great job Phantom Stranger in those few pages and I liked Blackhand’s narration too. You get the Atom and the continuation of the battle between Martian Man-Hunter and Hal and Barry. Who execute a good plan to take out J’onn. Well not for long. He shows up at the end with a League of his own. And they are very scary indeed. Great dialogue throughout, Johns seems to know all the characters 9or at least writing the versions I love of them!) and I think perfect pacing and tone. Reis’ art , well it’s perfect. He really is drawing some of the best undead superheroes and scariest zombies I have seen in comics. The last page is just amazing. His Black Lantern league (which I used as a graphic) is stunningly beautiful. The entire issue is the perfect blend of super heroics and horror. Reis is one of the best storytellers out there. This issue is perfect. This is the best event since Crisis on Infinite Earths. 9.5 out of 10

Wednesday Comics week #6 (Various/DC Comics/$3.99):  Happiness in newsprint.

Batman: batman on the prowl. Great art. 9 out of 10.

Kamandi: God this is gorgeous. 10 out of 10

Superman: I think the aliens are going to regret making a mess of the Kent house. 9 out of 10

Hawkman: Even wingless he is the MAN!. 8 out of 10

Deadman: More cool developments and great art  8.5 out of 10

Green Lantern: Great characterization, fun and really nice stylized art. 9 out of 10

Metamorpho: This is the best thing ever. Snakes and Ladders zaniness!!!. 10 out of 10

Teen Titans: Some action and great art. 8 out of 10

Strange Adventure: Wow, now we get some great art and strange twists here. 9.5 out of 10

Supergirl: AQUAMAN!!! Hilarious and great art. I am so glad to see the right version of the Aquaman being used. No hook, no beard, no water hand. 10 out of 10

Wonder Woman: Certainly the best of the run so far, nice art, but still too much to take in.. 6 out of 10

Metal Men: Major fun and great art. And CHEMO!!!. 9.5 out of 10

Sgt. Rock: Interesting turn of events. Rock is gonna kick some Nazi a$$. 8 out of 10

the Flash: Three Flashes are better then one and looks like Grodd got his wish. 9.5 out of 10

The Demon and Catwoman: great developments and great art. Sexy Morgaine!!!.. 8 out of 10

You know this is so good I may buy the trades when the get released. The format still rocks.. 9 out of 10

See you next week ladies and gents!! Go buy some comics!!!