Live from Newark, NJ
Announcers: JR & Todd Grisham, Michael Cole & Jerry Lawler
Report EXCLUSIVELY for Pulse Wrestling by: PK
CM Punk (c) vs. The Undertaker – World Heavyweight Championship – Hell in a Cell
UT starts out strong, sending Punk to the floor quickly and smashes Punk around on the cage. UT hits his leg drop on the apron, but then takes his time getting back in the ring, so Punk dropkicks UT in the cage, and then hits a suicide dive on UT against the cage. Punk goes for a GTS, but Taker slides out, and goes for a Tombstone. Punk gets out of it & drop kicks UT in the back of the knee. Punk gets a chair from under the ring, and blasts UT on the head, but only gets a 2 count. UT in the corner, and Punk charges with the knee, but UT blocks it and hits the Last Ride powerbomb, but only gets 2. UT goes Old School, but Punk sticks a knee into UT’s gut on the way down, and gets 2. Punk charges with the chair again, but UT puts his boot up, kicking the chair in Punk’s face. UT then gets a Choke Slam then a Tombstone for the victory.
Winner and NEW Champion – The Undertaker
Ad for Bragging Rights, which will have SmackDown vs. Raw matches. Does this mean ECW will be snubbed?
John Morrison (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler – WWE Intercontinental Championship
Match goes back and forth very quickly. Morrison goes for Starship Pain early, but misses, and Dolph gets a 2 count out of it. Dolph with a quick powerslam for 2. Dolph now takes over the match, as the crowd chants ‘Mr. Ziggles.’ Dolph with a quick Fireman’s take down, and now he is getting a bit cocky, calling for Morrison to get up. Dolph goes for a Sidewalk slam, but Morrison reverses it into a DDT. Both men are down for the count, and they get up at 7. They then go fist to fist, with Morrison coming out on top. Morrison with a Standing SSP for 2. Morrison goes for a suplex, but Dolph slides through and rolls up Morrison for 2, when the ref sees Dolph’s hand on the rope. Morrison with a quick roll-up while Dolph is arguing with the ref, but only gets 2. Dolph then catches Morrison with an Inverted Stunner. Dolph puts Morrison on the top, but Morrison shoves him off, and he leaps toward Dolph. Dolph goes for the dropkick, but Morrison catches his legs, and slingshots Dolph to the turnbuckle for 2. Morrison goes for his slingshot savant kick, but Dolph ducks it, and hits a German Suplex with the bridge for 2. Dolph hits the Famasser for 2. Dolph tosses Morrison to the corner, then charges. Morrison puts his boot up, and nails Dolph, then goes for another Starship Pain, but Dolph is up quick, and shoves Morrison to the mat. Dolph goes for the Zig Zag, but Morrison holds on to the ropes, and Dolph hits the mat hard. Morrison hits a running knee to Dolph’s temple, then hits Starship Pain for the win.
Winner and Still Champion – John Morrison
Matthews with Batista & Mysterio. Guess what, they think they can win the Tag Titles again.
King & Cole tell us that the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are in the crowd…and there they are in a sky box…
Mickie James (c) vs. Alicia Fox – WWE Diva’s Championship
Cole mentions that a lot of people think that Fox doesn’t deserve this opportunity this early in her career…I am one of them. Mickie hits a stiff MickDT for the pin.
Winner and Still Champ – Mickie James
Hey Kids, Don’t Try This At Home!!
Chris Jericho & The Big Show (c) vs. Rey Mysterio & Batista – WWE Unified Tag Team Championships
Mysterio & Batista start out strong, with quick tags and keeping on Jericho. Jericho finally gets Show in, and Batista wants to tag in, but Mysterio says that he has this. Show laughs at him. Show puts him on the top rope, and then chest chops him off. As Mysterio was trying to get in the ring, Show palms his head, and lifts him in…and Mysterio’s knees were at Show’s head…that’s how high Show got him up there! When Mysterio lands though he kicks away on Show’s gut, goes off the ropes, but then goes right into Show’s boot. Jericho is tagged in, and he lifts Mysterio on the turnbuckle, and climbs up on there to and attempts to take off Mysterio’s mask…but Mysterio fights him off the turnbuckle, then hits a sitting senton, and gets the hot tag to Batista. Batista levels Jericho, then knocks Show off the apron. Batista then hits Jericho with a Bossman Slam for 2. Show is back in, and he distracts Batista, and Jericho hits Batista with the Codebreaker for 2. Show is tagged in, and hits Batista with a Choke Slam, but Mysterio makes the save. Batista gets the hot tag, and he is buzzing all around Show. Show charges, and Mysterio pulls down the top rope, sending Show to the floor. Jericho comes in and charges Mysterio, but Mysterio drop toe holds him, and goes for the 619, but Jericho moves, and Mysterio hits Show, who is on the floor. Jericho then charges at Mysterio again, but Mysterio back body drops him onto Show on the floor. Show catches him, but Batista comes in with a spear while Show is holding Jericho. Show is back in the ring and set up for the 619…Mysterio hits it…then goes for the Springboard Senton, but Show nails a haymaker punch for the pin!
Winners & Still Champs – Jericho & Big Show
Recap of Cena/Orton feud. In a surprising move, the WWE Title is next.
John Cena (c) vs. Randy Orton – Hell in a Cell – WWE Championship
Orton slugs Cena, and tries to get out of the cell, but Cena meets him at the door, and they brawl. Back in the ring, Cena goes for a quick FU, but Orton slides out. Cena goes for a diving shoulder, but misses, and Orton knocks him out of the ring into the cage. Orton then sends Cena shoulder first into the ringsteps. Orton puts the top half of the steps in the ring, and pulls Cena through the ropes, and going for the DDT on the steps, but Cena slides out. Cena sends Orton to the floor, then tosses the ringsteps toward Orton against the cage, but Orton moves. Cena gets Orton back in the ring, and hits the 5 Knuckle Shuffle, but gets only a 2 count. Cena goes for another FU, but Orton slides out and hits the C+ backbreaker. Orton is lining up for an RKO, but Cena shoves him off and hits the FU for 2. Cena is in shock, then puts Orton on the turnbuckle, and goes for a top rope FU, but Orton slides though, and goes underneath Cena, and drops him in the Electric Chair Drop. Orton gets a chair, and stabs Cena in the back of the neck with the end of the chair, and gets a 2 count. Orton leaves Cena’s head on the chair, and goes for a big time knee drop, but Cena rolls out of the way, and Orton goes knee first on the chair. Cena locks on the STFU, but Orton gets to the ropes…however since there is no DQ, there is no ropebreak. Orton slides under the ropes, and chokes up Cena on the bottom rope…but Cena lets go and pulls Orton back to the middle of the ring. Cena tries to wrap up Orton again in the STFU, but Orton kicks Cena back, who hits the ref, who falls to the floor. Cena quickly locks on the STFU on again, and Orton is tapping out, so Cena lets go, but the ref is out the floor. Cena goes out and pulls the ref back in the ring, but turns around into an RKO…but Orton only gets a 2 count. Orton wraps Cena up in the top 2 ropes, and then chokes out Cena. After Orton lets go, the ref frees Cena, who lands face first on the mat, because he is out cold. Cena finally starts to pull himself up, but Orton punts him in the head for the pin.
Winner and NEW Champ – Randy Orton
Matthews with R-Truth. He says that MacIntyer will pay the price for what did. That’s the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth.
R-Truth vs. Drew MacIntyer
Basic squash match here, Drew wins with the double underhook DDT.
Rhodes & Dibiase catch up with Orton. They want to go out on the town after the they beat DX. Orton says that in Hell in a Cell, you might win, however you still lose. Legacy gives Orton some attitude, and Orton reminds them that he is the WWE Champion, so they better listen to his advice. Legacy wants him to stop underestimating them.
Kofi Kingston (c) vs. The Miz vs. Jack Swagger – US Championship
So, Kofi is now billed from Ghana, West Africa. Cole then says that he spent much of his childhood in the Caribbean. So, they come out and finally bill him from his home country, yet they keep him in this gimmick. Match is very short, with lots of near falls. Sorry…this Ghana thing has completely thrown me off my game for this match. Swagger hits Miz with the Doctor Bomb, then Kofi comes in with Trouble in Paradise to Swagger’s head. Kofi then pins Miz.
Winner and Still Champ – Kofi Ghana, West Africa
Recap of the DX/Legacy feud.
D-Generation X vs. The Legacy – Hell in a Cell
As DX is coming down to the ring, tossing glow sticks in the crowd, Legacy jumps them from behind. DX takes the early advantage, as they fight around the announce tables, with DX suplexing Rhodes on the Smackdown table. Rhodes & HBK pair off, as Dibiase & HHH pair off. Rhodes & HBK fight in the crowd. Rhodes charges HBK, but HBK back body drops him over the wall. Rhodes up quickly though, and he takes the chain the locks the Cell shut and strikes HBK across the knees with it. HHH is beating on Dibiase at the top of the stage, but Rhodes comes to his aid with his fist wrapped in the chain. Legacy then hits a Double DDT on the top of the stage, and Rhodes follows it up with the CrossRhodes. HHH is now out cold on the stage. Legacy then head back toward the ring, and they shoves HBK into the Cell, and lock it after they get in, locking HHH out of the ring. Legacy is flat out beating down HBK for at least 10 minutes before HHH finally gets to his feet and realizes what has happened. HHH then attempts to get into the Cell, but to no avail. Legacy presses HBK against the cage, taunting HHH. HHH then tells HBK that he can not get in the cage, and he walks to the back. Legacy then pulls HBK in the ring, and they want to finish it. Rhodes holds a chair in HBK’s face, allowing Dibiase to drop kick the chair into HBK’s face. Rhodes locks HBK in a Figure 4 around the ringpost, and HHH comes back with bolt cutters in his hands. HHH gets in the ring, and bowls over Rhodes & Dibiase. A ref goes to lock the door back up, but HHH pulls the chain out of his hands, and punches Dibiase with the loaded fist, then a Pedigree . HBK then pulls Dibiase out of the Cell, and they lock the door shut leaving Rhodes alone with DX. HHH wraps Rhodes’s head in a chair, and HBK comes off the top rope with an elbow drop on the chair! HHH then gets his sledgehammer, and DX hits a Superkick/Sledge to the head combo on Rhodes for the pinfall.
Winners – DX
The Cell raises, and Dibiase checks on Rhodes, only to get a Superkick.
Show Over.