1. Hey, Kimbo and Roy are fighting again and it went exactly the same way as last week! Oh wait, they are just recapping the fight from last week.
2. Does anyone think any other fighter on the show would be picked to fight if someone gets hurt besides Kimbo? Would anyone be surprised if Dana had someone whacked in the knee just to make it happen?
3. As soon as they say it and we think it, Marcus Jones comes down with the swine flu!
4. Rashad comes out as humble as ever while his team trains. Still, he does so much more actual coaching than we see from Rampage.
5. If Marcus Jones ever stops talking about gardening and instead grows his ring skills, then even Brock would need to take notice. The guy is so big and strong. And nerdy! He is truly the anti-Junie Browning. Huge, strong, African-American…and not insane.
6. Trouble on Team Rashad, thanks to Matt “Judas” Mitrione and his mouth. Maybe he doesn’t want to catch a fist from Marcus.
7. Yes, Rampage — we have all thought about punching someone in the brain, pulling the brain out, throwing it on the ground and spitting on it. We just don’t kick them in the nuts after that. Even when dead, nut shots are out of bounds.
8. Demico Rogers looked really good for a bit. Then the fact that he fought for Team Rampage kicked in. He quickly threw himself into an Anaconda choke to keep the streak alive!
9. Losing seems to be wearing on Rampage. Maybe this is what drove him to acting?
10. I wonder if Brendan Schaub is related to Houston Texans QB Matt Schaub? Has he ever hurt his ankle while running out of bounds? No? Okay, they aren’t related.