WWE.com released Shane McMahon’s full statement this morning regarding his decision to leave World Wrestling Entertainment.
“It is with great sadness that I announce my resignation from the WWE, effective January 1, 2010.” he begins;
“I have never even considered a future outside the walls of the WWE. However, sometimes life takes an unexpected turn and while it is the most difficult decision I have ever made, it is time for me to move on.”
He later goes on to thank his father “for the incredible education working with him has provided”, as well as “all of the WWE Superstars both past and present for your passion, pride and dedication.”
To read the statement in it’s entirety, head on over to WWE.com.
I think it’s all a ruse. Shane and the Mean Street Posse are just taking some time off to build up and get stronger. You wait. They’re the REAL Legacy.
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