Halloween Costume Offers New Look At Captain America Villain Red Skull

News, Projects

Comic Book Movies has uncovered an early glimpse at the villain from Marvel Studios’ upcoming Captain America: The First Avenger. Through early solicitations for Halloween costumes at Big Bad Toy Store, those eagerly awaiting their first glimpse at actor Hugo Weaving in his Red Skull costume can have their anticipation mildly sated.

The costume is probably not a direct reproduction of the film’s costume — it is more than likely based on early production design work due to the fact that the costumes would need to have been made far in advance of the film’s production to meet manufacturing demands. The costume does give audiences a pretty good idea of how the film’s costume will look.

There’s a couple of noteworthy things obvious from the suit — the foremost being the lack of any swastika. Perhaps to hide the fact that a popular children’s costume choice this fall might be a Nazi character, the Red Skull is sporting a Hydra logo instead of the symbol of the Nazi party. I’m sure this substitution will be prevalent in the film’s costume as well. People just tend to get really antsy when they have to stare at too many swastikas in any given film.

Follow the link below to take a look at a Captain America costume and costumes from the other Marvel Studios film being released this summer, Thor. If your kid doesn’t want to be a demon-faced Nazi for Halloween, perhaps he’ll enjoy dressing up as the god of mischief, Loki — pointy horn helmet and all.

Robert Saucedo is an avid movie watcher with seriously poor sleeping habits. The Mikey from Life cereal of film fans, Robert will watch just about anything — good, bad or ugly. He has written about film for newspapers, radio and online for the last 10 years. This has taken a toll on his sanity — of that you can be sure. Follow him on Twitter at @robsaucedo2500.