90210 Spoilers: Silver To Find Out About Teddy’s Sexuality Next

News, Spoilers

90210 returned last night and while Dixon was the first to find out about Teddy’s sexuality, he certainly won’t be the last.

Trevor Donovan revealed that Silver will find out about it next. “Then Silver (Jessica Stroup) happens to find out — and it’s not from Dixon, but a little slip-up on Teddy’s part — and she realizes that he and Ian (Kyle Riabko) are in a relationship. She’s extremely supportive, 100% on board and really coaxes Teddy out of the closet. She lets him know that all his friends still love him, no matter gay or straight.”

“Silver is supportive right off the bat,” said Jessica Stroup, “but with the slight hesitation of being the last girl he was with. Of course, she’s accepting of it and happy to be there and happy to help; she loves him.”

As for the rest of West Bev?

“Teddy and Ian just walk into a party — where everyone is! — holding hands,” Donovan said.

Murtz Jaffer is the world's foremost reality television expert and was the host of Reality Obsessed which aired on the TVTropolis and Global Reality Channels in Canada. He has professional writing experience at the Toronto Sun, National Post, TV Guide Canada, TOROMagazine.com and was a former producer at Entertainment Tonight Canada. He was also the editor at Weekendtrips.com.